基于过程体验的App Inventor教学法“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔”。开设App Inventor课程,应该立足于能力的培养,特别是应该立足于计算思维能力的培养。所谓计算思维是一种基于计算机的解决问题的思维方法,这种方法将问题转换为某个计算装置上的信息处理过程,并寻求一种算法上的解决途径。因此,在App Inventor教学中,应该通过教学设计和实例制作,贯彻过程体验原则,让学生体验软件开发的全过程,体验其中解决问题的计算思维方法。过程体验原则注重的是情感与认知过程的统一。学生通过激发情感,在
Based on the process of App Inventor teaching experience “teach people to fish, it is better to teach people to fish.” App Inventor course should be based on the ability to develop, in particular, should be based on the cultivation of computational thinking skills. The so-called computational thinking is a computer-based thinking method to solve the problem, which transforms the problem into the information processing on a computing device and seeks an algorithmic solution. Therefore, App Inventor teaching, teaching design and examples should be produced, the principle of process experience, so that students experience the whole process of software development, experience which problem-solving computational thinking. The principle of process experience focuses on the unification of emotion and cognitive processes. Students stimulate emotion, at