Visual evoked potential by implanted scalp electrode in rats

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaomengni
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·AIM:To establish a new method to record visual evoked potential of rats and this method was applied to retinal cone degeneration (RCD) and congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) rats to see whether it is feasible.·METHODS:After anesthesia,the rats scalp surface was exposed and two stainless screws were implanted at 4mm in front of and 8mm behind Bregma.The front one was reference electrode and the latter one was recording electrode.The ground electrode was joined to the tail.And we recorded VEP of scotopic adaptation and photopic adaptation (The stimulus intensity of light :0.011,0.035,0.11,0.35,1.1 and 3.5cd·s/m2.They were all overlapped for 100 times.There were 2-5minutes intervals between different intensities.The frequency of stimulation was 1Hz and time course was 300 milliseconds).A week later,we recorded the VEP again in the same conditions.·RESULTS:The rats who were implanted with electrodes could live longer.When they were recorded,there was no disturbance and the waveforms were very clear and steady.There was no difference between the waveforms recorded by conventional method and those by implanted electrodes while the amplitude of new method was larger than conventional.We could get the same conclusion in RCD and CSNB rats.·CONCLUSION:Since the electrodes can be kept on the scalp for a longer time,we can not only observe dynamic changes of VEP but also observe the long-duration patho-logical changes in the rats.Because the positions of recording and reference electrodes were fixed,the system error can be reduced and the repeatability of experiments increased.· · AIM: To establish a new method to record visual evoked potential of rats and this method was applied to retinal cone degeneration (RCD) and congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) rats to see whether it is feasible. · METHODS: After anesthesia, the rats scalp surface was exposed and two stainless screws were implanted at 4mm in front of and 8mm behind Bregma. the front one was reference electrode and the latter one was recording electrode. ground electrode was joined to the tail. And we’ve VEP of scotopic adaptation and photopic adaptation (The stimulus intensity of light: 0.011,0.035,0.11,0.35,1.1 and 3.5cd · s / m2. They were all overlapped for 100 times. Both 2-5minutes intervals between different intensities.The frequency of stimulation was 1Hz and time course was 300 milliseconds). A week later, we recorded the VEP again in the same conditions. · RESULTS: The rats who were implanted with electrodes could live longer. Who they were recorded, there was no disturbance and the w aveforms were very clear and steady. there was no difference between the waveforms recorded by conventional method and those by implanted electrodes while the amplitude of new method was larger than conventional. We could get the same conclusion in RCD and CSNB rats. · CONCLUSION: Since the electrodes can be kept on the scalp for a longer time, we can not only observe dynamic changes of VEP but also observe the long-duration patho-logical changes in the rats.Because the positions of recording and reference electrodes were fixed, the system error can be reduced and the repeatability of experiments increased.
我和王家威是好朋友。一天,我们把陶笛拿出来玩。王家威一不小心把陶笛摔坏了。我非常生气,一把夺过他手里的玩具,说:“你赔给我陶笛,不然我就把你的玩具变得和我的陶笛一样。”  爸爸说:“不如我们来做一个创意陶笛吧!”我急得眼泪都流出来了,因为我已经摔坏了两个,这个是妈妈给我买的第三个陶笛。但是爸爸似乎并没有要骂我的意思。看到爸爸慈祥的目光,我愣了一下,把玩具还给了王家威。我擦干眼泪,脸上又挂上了笑容。
1997年6月30日晚11时,香港回归之夜。 再过一个时辰,当子夜的钟声敲响,历经百年沧桑的东方之珠就要回到祖国的怀抱。此时此刻,亿万炎黄子孙都在翘首企盼着这一激动人心的时
天壇是明清两代帝王祭天、祈雨与祈祷豊年的地方。祭祀典礼仪式繁琐,耗费极大。用于祭天与祈雨的圜丘,建于一五三○年,距今已有四百五十多年的历史。 Temple of Heaven is t