2001年11月16日,把大贪官成克杰推向断头台的主要人物——广西银兴实业发展公司的原“老总”周坤,受到了他应得的惩罚。南宁市中级人民法院一审以单位行贿罪判处其有期徒刑5年,同时以同罪判罚广西银兴实业发展公司800万元。一场大贪官与大老板表演的黑色剧落下了帷幕。大贪官成克杰收受贿赂达4000多万元,其中仅向周坤索贿就达3000多万元,可以说周坤是成克杰最大的“主顾”。那么周坤是什么样的人?他与成克杰有什么样的关系? 周坤及银兴公司周坤,出生于1942年,广西陆川县人。他1964年毕业于华南理工大学函授班,此后长期从事建筑工作,任工程师。客观地说,周坤是—个有能力的人,是公司里的业务骨干。工作几十年来,辗转各地建筑公司。1988年8月,银兴公司成立,周坤被任命为副总经理。银兴公司本是一家正正当当的国营企业,后来由于李平的出现和介入,它便渐渐成了一个怪胎。
On November 16, 2001, Zhou Kun, the former chief executive of Guangxi Yinxing Industrial Development Corporation, who pushed the big corrupt official Cheng Kejie to the guillotine, was punished by him. Nanning Intermediate People’s Court sentenced the unit to bribe for a first instance for 5 years and sentenced Guangxi Yinxing Industrial Development Corporation to 8 million for the same crime. A black play by a big corrupt official and big boss came to a close. Big corrupt Cheng Kejie bribe up to more than 4,000 million, of which only Zhou Kun solicitation up to 3,000 million, can be said that Zhou Kun Cheng Kejie is the largest “patron.” So what is Zhou Kun? What is his relationship with Cheng Kejie? Zhou Kun and Yin Xing Zhou Kun was born in 1942 in Luchuan County, Guangxi Province. He graduated from a correspondence class of South China University of Technology in 1964 and has long been engaged in construction work as engineer. Objectively speaking, Zhou Kun is a capable person, is the company’s business backbone. Work for decades, removed around the construction company. In August 1988, Yinxing Company was established and Zhou Kun was appointed as the deputy general manager. Yinxing company is a legitimate state-owned enterprises, and later because of the presence and involvement of Li Ping, it has gradually become a geek.