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10月24日至25日,第七届亚欧首脑会议将在北京举行。这是亚欧会议实现第二轮扩大后,45个成员国领导人或代表的首次聚会,同时也是中国今年继北京奥运会之后举办的又一重要国际盛会。由于当前国际金融形势恶化、亚欧地区部分热点问题突出,本次会议的召开格外引人注目,人们对会议充满期待。亚欧会议成立于1996年,是亚洲和欧洲之间级别最高、规模最大的政府间论坛,现有成员45个,宗旨是通过加强相互间的对话、了解与合作,为亚欧经济和社会发展创造有利条件,以建立亚欧新型全面伙伴关系。经过12年的发展,亚欧会议在政治对话、经济合作、社会文化交流三大支柱领域都取得了丰硕成果。亚欧首脑会议是亚欧会议进程中最高级别活动,负责确定亚 From October 24 to 25, the Seventh ASEM Summit will be held in Beijing. This is the first gathering of leaders and representatives of 45 member states after the second round of ASEM expansion. It is also another important international event to be held by China this year after the Beijing Olympic Games. Due to the deterioration of the current international financial situation, some hot spots in Asia and Europe have become prominent. The convening of this meeting has drawn special attention. People are full of expectations for the meeting. The Asia-Europe Meeting was established in 1996 and is the highest and largest intergovernmental forum between Asia and Europe. The current 45 members are aimed at strengthening economic and social development in Asia and Europe through strengthening mutual dialogue, understanding and cooperation Create favorable conditions for establishing a new type of all-round partnership between Asia and Europe. After 12 years of development, the ASEM has achieved fruitful results in the three pillars of political dialogue, economic cooperation and social and cultural exchanges. The Asia-Europe summit is the highest-level event in the ASEM process and is responsible for determining Asia
上海企业“走出去”呈现出什么特点?“走出去”对企业究竟有多少益处?如何做才能一路走好? Shanghai enterprises “going out ” showing what characteristics? “Going
美国专利3,896,264号(1975年7月22日)描述了一种把光致发光屏和阴极射线管相结合制成长余辉显示屏的办法。 这种办法的基本概念是在阴极射线管的前面加一层光致发光薄膜。这
(本刊讯 )今年以来 ,福建省泉州市对境内 10条重点小流域的水土流失进行了全面整治。截至 2 0 0 0年 8月底 ,该市已完成投资 746 2万元 ,封禁治理 3 40 0hm2 ,占计划任务的 10
本文提出在MOS 集成电路的中测过程中,应用给芯片衬底加电压或脉冲信号的方法,随时可以准确有效地检查探针同芯片引出点的接触情况。还对这方法的适用范围进行了讨论,针对不
一个民营外贸小企业,七八名员工,进出口贸易额一年居然能做到数百万美元,其中必有道道。 A private foreign trade small business, 78 employees, import and export trade