
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangguorong
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《中国林业文摘》向广大读者致意! 也许陌生的朋友还不了解《中国林业文摘》,会提出:它有什么用途?怎样利用“文摘”?等问题,为此向您做一简要介绍,希望能对您有所帮助。 随着现代林业科技事业的飞速发展,林业科技文献的数量急剧增长,仅国内文献年报道量就达1万多篇,同时分散在600—700种刊物中,如加上国外文献,报道量就更多了。如何从纷杂的期刊资料中查找出我们所需的情报信息绝非易事,必须查找众多文献和花费相当精力。为了解决“查找难”的问题,检索刊物可以帮助您。 《中国林业文摘》是我国国内文献检索刊物。它是从国内500多种期刊资料中收集林业科技最新信息。年报道量达8000多条,文献覆盖率达80%(年总文献量按1万条计),可以说国内林业最新信息几乎都可在本刊中找到。报道的学科齐全,内容极其丰富,是林业科技的“百科全书”。 《中国林业文摘》创刊两年来,许多用户从中获得了许多有价值的信息。同时还为林业生产部门提供了“植物扦插繁殖”和“林副产品加工利用”等方面的专题检索资 “China Forestry Abstracts” to pay tribute to the readers! Maybe strange friends do not understand “China Forestry Abstracts”, will put forward: it has what purpose? How to use “Digest” and other issues, to do for you a brief introduction, hope Can help you. With the rapid development of modern forestry science and technology, the number of forestry scientific and technological literature has been rapidly increasing. Only the annual reports of domestic literature have reached more than 10,000, while being scattered in 600-700 kinds of publications. For example, with the overseas literature, More How to find out the information we need from the jumbled journals is not easy. We have to find a lot of documents and spend a lot of effort. In order to solve the “difficult to find” issue, searching for publications can help you. “China Forestry Abstracts” is China’s domestic literature search publication. It collects the latest information on forestry science and technology from more than 500 domestic journals. The annual coverage of more than 8,000 articles, the coverage rate of 80% (annual total literature by 10,000), can be said that most of the latest domestic forestry information can be found in this issue. Covering a complete range of subjects, the content is extremely rich, is an “encyclopedia” of forestry science and technology. In the two years since the publication of “China Forestry Abstracts,” many users have obtained many valuable information. At the same time also for the forestry sector has provided a “plant cutting propagation” and “by-product processing and utilization” and other aspects of the special search materials
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