密枝节是云南省石林彝族自治县及周边邻县彝族支系撒尼人祭祀神灵、祈祷来年人畜兴旺、五谷丰登的原始宗教祭典活动,也是撒尼人三大隆重节庆之一(其余两节为春节和火把节)。密枝节一般从农历冬月(十一月)的第一个鼠日到马日,历时七天。“密枝”是彝文的音译,“密”有土、地之意,“枝”则有跳、酒、财帛之意。祭密枝和中国古代的汉族社祭有相同之处,都是对土地的崇拜和祭祀;不同之处是密枝节只许男性参加。 闻名遐迩,号称天下第一奇观的国家级风景名胜区石林,就在这个彝族自治县境内。电影《阿诗玛》使世代居住在这里的勤劳勇敢的撒尼人声名鹊起,“阿
Mzhi branch is the branch of Yi people in Shilin Yi Autonomous County and neighboring neighboring counties in Yunnan Province, who sacrificed their gods to pray for gods and pray for the prosperous future of livestock and poultry in the coming year. It is also one of the three grand grand feasts of Sani (the other two are Spring Festival And Torch Festival). The densely knotted branches usually last seven days from the first rat day to the horse day in the Lunar New Year (November). “Mi Zhi” is a transliteration of Yi language, “Mi” has the meaning of earth and earth, “stick” there are jumping, wine, financial meaning. Ceremonial sticks are similar to the ancient Han ethnic sacrificial ceremonies in China. They worship and worship the land. The difference is that only the male with the dense branch can participate. Famous, far and near, known as the best in the world wonders of the national scenic area Shilin, in the territory of the Yi Autonomous County. The hard-working and brave Sani who made generations live in the movie “Ashima.”