标题的Productivity Puzzle指;Manufacturing industry in the US is far moreproductive than anywhere else in the world. 这是长期萦绕人们心头的一个Puzzel(谜),文章的标题开门见山:Size IsEverything。或曰:the sheer size of the American market. 但是,文章并不谈论市场,而是将美、英、德三国的Productivity作了类比,谈得深入浅出,头头是道,给人启迪。 英、德两国正在迎头赶上,但是,就productivity而言,照目前的速度,英国赶上美国须60年,而德国赶上美国须50年。 对于这个Productivity Puzzle,文章认为存在3个potential explanations: a.Investment in capital equipment(对主要设备的投资). b.A more highly skilled workforce(高度熟练的工人队伍). c.Higher expenditure on research and development(对研究与开发的高投入). 文章的新意在于: 设备的“新”并非新在表面: … and newer machinery based on the most advanced technology should providean obvious advantage. 作者接着对英美两国作了一个比较,提出了一个值得深思的现象: In fact, Germany has the newest machinery, embodying the most recenttechnology, while the are of the machines in use in the US and UK is comparab
This is the title of Productivity Puzzle referring to the Manufacturing industry in the US is far moreproductive than anywhere else in the world. This is a long-running Puzzel (mystery). The title of the article is straightforward: Size Is Everything.曰: The sheer size of the American market. However, the article does not talk about the market. Instead, it compares the Productivity of the United States, Britain, and Germany. It talks in a simple way, and the head is the way to inspire people. The United Kingdom and Germany are catching up. However, as far as productivity is concerned, at the current rate, it will take 60 years for the United Kingdom to catch up with the United States and 50 years for Germany to catch up with the United States. For this Productivity Puzzle, the article concludes that there are three potential explanations: a. Investment in capital equipment. bA more highly skilled workforce. c. Higher expenditure on research and development The high value of research and development. The new meaning of the article is: The “new” of the equipment is not new: ... and newer machinery based on the most advanced technology should provide an obvious advantage. The author then made a comparison between the United Kingdom and the United States. A phenomenon worth pondering about: In fact, Germany has the newest machinery, embodying the most recent technology, while the are of the machines in use in the US and UK is comparab