Friends' Personality——Selected from Mallory’s Christmas Wish

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一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 《朋友的性格》(Friends’Personality)选自美国作家安·马丁(Ann Martin)的小说《马洛里的圣诞节愿望》(Mallory’s Christmas Wish)。圣诞节快到了,马洛里最大的愿望是能过一个真正传统的圣诞节。她的这个想法得到了全家人的支持。不久,妹妹瓦尼莎的一封关于传统圣诞节的参赛作文,给全家带来了一份意外的“惊喜”。电视节目组打算在她家拍一个传统圣诞节的家庭节目,而且付给他们1万美元的报酬。拍摄很快就开始了,但最初的兴奋、热情很快便被摄制组带来的麻烦所抵消。最终,一家人决定与节目组取消合同,把节目组赶了出去。由此 1. INTRODUCTION: The “Friends’ Personality” is selected from Ann Martin’s novel “Mallory’s Christmas Wish”. Christmas is coming. Mallory’s greatest wish is to have a truly traditional Christmas. This idea of ​​her family has the support of the whole family. Soon, an article about the traditional Christmas essay by sister Vanessa brought an unexpected surprise to the family. The television programme intends to take a traditional Christmas home show at her home and pay them $10,000. The filming began soon, but the initial excitement and enthusiasm were soon offset by the troubles caused by the film crew. In the end, the family decided to cancel the contract with the program team and drive out the program group. thus
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