【佚名唐代条屏绢本设色纵15.7cm (日)私人藏】此画为残存的绢画。新中国成立前由日本大谷光瑞的『大谷探险队』在阿斯塔那墓中发掘盗走。应是屏风画残片。根据同期出土的记载文字,应作于704年左右。此残片上的人物为舞伎像。舞伎面颊丰腴,额描花钿,神态端庄,穿花团窠锦袖翻领胡服。这一形象反映了当时社会对女性形象的审美标准及妇女服装的流行时尚。此画与《舞乐图》代表了初唐末期至盛唐初期仕女画的最高水平。
[Anonymous Tang Dynasty screen screen set color vertical 15.7cm (day) private possession] This painting is the remnants of the silk painting. Before the founding of new China by Japan’s Otani Guorui “Otani expedition” in Astana tomb excavations stolen. Should be screen painting fragments. According to the same period unearthed written language, should be made in about 704 years. The character on this piece is a Kabuki statue. Maiko cheeks abundance, the amount of flowers scape, demeanor dignified, wearing a flower sleeve 窠 sleeve sleeves lapel. This image reflects the society’s aesthetic standards of women’s image and the fashion of women’s clothing. This painting and “Dance Music” represents the highest level of ladylike painting from the late Tang Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty.