报道了用于激光驱动高亮度注入器的新型光阴极的实验研究 .用铯离子注入的方法得到了在镁基底上的掺铯合金光阴极 ,研究了注入、溅射及光电发射的机制和参数 .用此阴极得到了比纯金属镁阴极高约一个量级的量子效率和绿光下的单光子发射效应 ,为用于强流短脉冲电子束的光阴极研究提供了新的途径
The experimental study of a new photocathode for laser driven high brightness injector is reported.The cesium alloyed photocathode cathode on magnesium substrate is obtained by cesium ion implantation and the mechanism and parameters of injection, sputtering and photoemission are studied. The quantum efficiency of one order of magnitude higher than that of pure magnesium cathode and the single photon emission in green light were obtained with this cathode, which provided a new approach for the photocathode study of intense current short pulse electron beam