【摘 要】
The authors used a mathematical model of the human cardiovascular system (CVS) to study the effects of different respiratory approaches on the circulatory system and used this model to simulate the relationship between normal CVS and cardiac and intrathoracic pressures. With resistance, volume and inertia elements on behalf of the vascular system, at the same time based on transmural pressure, according to the concept of time-varying springback, ventricular work. This model shows that normal inspiration results in increased venous return, increased pulmonary blood flow, and a slight decrease in left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV), indicating a reduction in the amount of shot due to an increase in LV transmural pressure. The pleural pressure was reduced to -40 mmHg, representing the Muller’s method (MM), highlighting the above findings despite an increase in LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV), LV end-systolic volume (LVESV) and LV filling pressure indicative of mean left atrial transmural pressure , But LVSV decreased. With an increased positive end expiratory pressure (PE-
Nonlinear functions are crucial points and terms in engineering problems.Actual and physical problems can be solved by solving and processing such functions.Thu
[摘要]列举了数学教学语言易犯错误的若干种情况,从而提醒数学教师在教学中引起注意。 [关键词]数学教学语言 准确 中图分类号: 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2008)0710161-01 在数学课堂教学中,教学的语言表达能力有特殊重要的意义。教师主要是运用语言工具来充当教材与学生的中介人的。教师语言表达能力如何,直接影响教育、教学效果。数学教学语言除了应具有简洁易懂、启发性
中图分类号:G42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2008)0710158-01 作业是常规教学的重要环节,既是课堂教学的补充和延伸,也是教学信息反馈的重要途径。以往教师布置作业,思想观念老化,作业形式单一,作业总量超标,作业难度偏大,学生课业负担过重,既影响学生身心健康,也不利于学生发展。旧的作业模式已不再适应新课改的要求,现结合新课改下工作的体会,谈一下作业设计的看法:
1 机场仓储物流仓库及其火灾的特点1.1物流仓库特点现代物流仓库基本可以分为普通仓库、配送中心、交叉理货中心、物流园区、航空转运中心等几种。以机场建设为核心发展的多
[摘要]实践性教学环节是中专教学计划中的重要组成部分,是培养学生实践能力,提高学生全面素质的重要环节。 [关键词]实践性教学环节 学生素质 中图分类号: 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2008)0710160-01 随着社会的进步,科学技术的发展,社会上对中专毕业生的要求也越来越高,他们除了要掌握一定的理论知识以外,还应该具有相当强的实践技能和动手操作能力。结合我国的实际情
Precision servo transmission systems have widely been applied in industrial equipment to achieve high accuracy and high speed motion.However,due to the presence
In earth pressure balance (EPB) shield construction,the “plastic flow state” is difficult to form using the soil dug in the capsule because it can cause three
[摘要]应收账款的风险管理是一种管理的思想,它需要各个部门的密切配合,自上而下地推行,才能奏效。将风险管理的方法应用到应收账款的管理上,有力的克服传统应收账款管理的弊端。 [关键词]应收账款 风险 管理 中图分类号:F27 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2008)0710167-01 一、传统应收账款管理的弊端 (一)应收账款日常管理不完善,风险防范意识淡薄 市场
Considering the direct and converse piezoelectric effect,expressions of piezoelectric membrane intal forces in the piezoelectric constrained layer were given.Th