在我们伟大祖国的中原腹地,有一条古老而青春焕发的大河——淮河。淮河发源于河南省桐柏山的主峰太白顶。她从轻浅如线的细流,汇流纳川,婉蜒于长江、黄河之间。在广阔的平原大地上,先后将泉河、颍河、涡河、奎河、沂河、沭河等诸多支流拥入自己的怀抱。各级支流纵横交错,密如蛛网。 淮河干流全长1000公里,从源头到豫、皖两省交界的洪河口为上游,河干长364公里,落差为178米,占淮河总落差的90%;流域面积为3.063万平方公里。洪河口(五家坝)以下到洪泽湖为淮河中游,河干长490公里,流域面积为12.753万平方公里。淮河中游又
In the hinterland of the Central Plains in our great motherland, there is an ancient and youthful river Huaihe. Huaihe River originated in Tongbai Mountain in Henan Province, the main peak too white top. Her light lines, such as fine trickle, confluence Nachuan, wandering between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. In the vast plains of the earth, successively Quan River, Ying River, Eddy River, Kui River, Yi River, Shu and other tributaries into their arms. Tributaries criss-cross at all levels, as dense as cobwebs. Huaihe River, a total length of 1,000 km, from the source to Henan, Anhui Province at the junction of the two estuaries Honghe upstream, the river 364 kilometers long, a drop of 178 meters, accounting for 90% of the Huaihe total deficit; drainage area of 30,363 square kilometers. Honghekou (Wujiaba) following Hongze Lake as the middle reaches of the Huaihe River, 490 km long river basin area of 12.753 square kilometers. Middle Huaihe River again