美国从60年代初开始发射军用卫星,迄今已发射了数百颗。这些卫星在侦察、监视、预警、通信和气象等领域发挥着重要作用。美军在科索沃战争中就动用了由“大酒瓶”静止轨道卫星、“雪貂”-D极地轨道卫星和“折叠椅”大椭圆轨道卫星等8颗卫星组成的电子侦察卫星系统,由KH-12、“长曲棍球”、“太阳神”-1和其它小卫星等10~12颗卫星组成的成像侦察卫星系统,16颗海洋监视卫星系统以及“国防支援计划”(DSP)等30多颗卫星,为美军提供了大量的情报资料。 美国发射的军用卫星约占美国发射卫星数量的一半。这些卫星数量多、种类全,从性能上讲主要分为6类,即侦察卫星、导弹预警卫星、海洋监视卫星、通信卫星、测地和绘图卫星及国防气象卫星。
The United States has launched military satellites since the early 1960s and has so far launched hundreds of military satellites. These satellites play an important role in the areas of surveillance, surveillance, early warning, communications and meteorology. In the Kosovo war, the U.S. military used electronic reconnaissance satellite systems consisting of eight satellites such as “Grand Bottle” geostationary satellites, “ferrets” -D polar orbiting satellites, and “folding chair” large elliptical orbit satellites. The KH- 12, “Lacrosse”, “Apollo” -1 and other small satellites, including 10 ~ 12 satellites, 16 marine surveillance satellite systems and over 30 satellites such as the Defense Support Program (DSP) , Providing a large amount of intelligence information for the U.S. military. The military satellites launched by the United States account for about half of the number of U.S.-launched satellites. These satellites are numerous in number and full in variety. They mainly fall into six categories in terms of performance: reconnaissance satellites, missile warning satellites, marine surveillance satellites, communications satellites, geodetic and mapping satellites and national defense weather satellites.