21世纪教育论坛 1 1月 1 0、1 1日在苏州市举行。其背景是我国加入WTO后基础教育如何面对挑战。教育部基础教育司、中国教育学会受教育部委托共同筹办的此次论坛 ,旨在提出教育入世对策。参加论坛的代表包括政府及教育行政部门领导、大中学校校长、教育理论和经济学专家、中
21st Century Education Forum January 1, January 1 and January 1 were held in Suzhou. Its background is how to meet the challenge of basic education after China’s accession to the WTO. The forum sponsored by the Ministry of Education for Basic Education and the China Society of Education, commissioned by the Ministry of Education, aims to propose measures to educate China’s accession to the WTO. Delegates to the forum include leaders of government and education administrations, principals of middle and high schools, educational theory and economics experts,