不容忽视:侵犯外商企业案,上海已发生14起。这类刑案将直接影响上海的投资环境。 值得注意:我现行刑法对此类犯罪的处理尚无明文。上海首例宣判了发生在3M公司的盗窃外资大案。 法制发言:中国将依法保护外资在申城的合法权益。申城将永远是良好而充满生机的投资环境。 1993年早春,一起直接侵犯外商企业权益的重大刑案在申城刚一出现,立即成为政法部门关注
Can not be ignored: violations of foreign business case, Shanghai has occurred 14 cases. Such criminal cases will directly affect the investment environment in Shanghai. It is noteworthy that my current criminal law does not deal with such crimes. Shanghai’s first conviction of a big case of theft of foreign investment in 3M company. Legal Statement: China Will Protect the Legal Rights and Interests of Foreign Investors in Shanghai According to Law. Shanghai will always be a good and vibrant investment environment. In the early spring of 1993, a major criminal case that directly violated the rights and interests of foreign-owned enterprises appeared in Shanghai as an immediately concerned political and legal department