2014年5月15日,“舌尖上的舞蹈家”——2014天鹅庄孔雀品牌葡萄酒在昆明正式发布。澳洲西南区总领小Ms Nancy Gordon、云南省政府参事、原云南省文化厅副厅长花泽飞、天鹅酿酒集团中国区总裁卢小龙、云南杨丽萍企业管理有限公司总经理王焱武以及世界著名舞蹈家杨丽萍等嘉宾出席了本次发布会。会上,花泽飞、Gordon领事、王焱武、杨丽萍等多位领导嘉宾共同进行了启动仪式。在启动仪式上,冉冉升起的红酒象征着《孔雀》将在本地红酒市场上犹如一颗新星熠熠生辉,绽放华彩。
May 15, 2014, “Dancer on the Tongue” - 2014 Swanzhuang Peacock brand wines officially released in Kunming. Ms Nancy Gordon, General Counsel of Southwest Australia, Senate Counselor of Yunnan Province, former Deputy Director General of Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture Hua Zefei, President of China Sluggery Group, Lu Xiaolong, General Manager of Yunnan Yang Liping Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. Wang Yanwu, Dancer Yang Liping and other guests attended the conference. At the meeting, Hanawa Zefei, Consul Gordon, Wang Yanwu, Yang Liping and many other leading guests jointly launched the ceremony. At the launching ceremony, rising red wine symbolizes that “peacock” will shine on the local wine market like a star.