婴儿双输尿管结石梗阻引起急性肾功能衰竭 ,尿闭国内超声诊断报道甚少。我们近来遇到 2例均经手术证实 ,现报道如下 :例 1女 ,7个月 ,因全身浮肿尿闭 4天、当地医院诊断为“急性肾功能衰竭”。转入我院 ,患儿父亲及祖父均有泌尿系结石史。查体 :体温 36 .5°C ,全身浮肿 ,精神
Infant dual ureteral calculi caused acute renal failure, urinary closure of the domestic ultrasound diagnosis rarely reported. We recently encountered two cases were confirmed by surgery, are reported as follows: A female, 7 months, due to systemic edema and urine closed for 4 days, the local hospital diagnosed as “acute renal failure.” Into our hospital, children with his father and grandfather have history of urinary stones. Physical examination: body temperature 36 .5 ° C, body edema, spirit