Research on the Development Statusof Beijing's High-end Consumer Market

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  Abstract:Under the background of the new normal, the cultivation and development of the middle and high-end consumer market is an important guarantee to promote the steady and healthy growth of Our economy. Beijing is the capital of China, the living standard of the residents is high, the consumer market is developed. By studying the current situation and problems of the development of the high-end consumer market in Beijing, it is of great significance to better cultivate the high-end consumer market in the capital and to play the role of consumption in stabilizing the economy, adjusting structure and promoting development.
  Keywords: Beijing; Medium and high-end; Consumption
  I.Mid- to high-end consumer market features
  1. Meet the consumer's higher quality consumer demand
  With the continuous development of the economy, the improvement of residents' living standards, consumer spending concept from the past material consumption to experience consumption, spiritual consumption change, consumers also put forward higher-quality consumer requirements. The high quality here is not only the requirement of the quality of goods and services, but also the requirement to better meet the consumer's demand for personalized, diversified and experiential consumption. The younger generation, in particular, has more demands on the social experience, engagement and personalization of the consumer process. One of the characteristics of the high-end consumer market is that under the condition that consumers demand higher quality of consumption and have new demands on the goods, services and content of consumption, we constantly optimize the allocation of resources, improve service awareness and service level, and meet the new consumption demands of consumers.
  2. Development-oriented and enjoyable consumption outstanding
  In the context of macroeconomic stability, China's consumers have maintained an optimistic attitude towards their financial situation. Chinese consumers remain highly optimistic about their finances amid slowing global economic growth and market volatility, with 81 percent saying they are in better shape than they were five years ago, according to Nielsen's latest global high-end research. average. While income increases and the willingness to consume increases, consumers' consumption patterns of eating, wearing, living and traveling are also changing quietly. With the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics, new retailing, etc., goods and services are easier to obtain than ever before, not only the quality of food and clothing significantly improved, consumers in education, culture, entertainment and other categories of consumption share gradually increased, including tourism, tourism, Leisure and entertainment is not necessary for life but significantly improve the quality of life of the proportion of expenditure is obvious.   3. The consumption environment is more harmonious
  The so-called harmonious consumption environment refers to the requirements of a harmonious society, for the organic composition of a harmonious society, the general name of the consumption environment, harmonious consumption is not only the need to improve the quality of life, but also the need to achieve sustainable consumption. Therefore, a harmonious consumption environment should be the factors affecting consumption can coexist harmoniously and develop in harmony. The consumption environment of the middle and high-end consumer market is more harmonious and requires a more civilized and healthy consumption environment, fairness and justice, integrity and friendliness, environmental protection and safety. A more civilized and healthy consumption environment requires that the goods and services provided by the high-end consumer market, consumption places and consumer advertisements meet the requirements of civilized health, and the consumption process of the high-end consumer market in the fair and just consumption environment meets the requirements of market supervision department sadmission, business license, supervision and inspection, and there is no act of deceiving consumers.
  II.Status of the high-end consumer market in Beijing
  1. Increased scale of consumption
  According to the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics' 2018 National Economic and Social Development Bulletin, the total market consumption for the year was 254.59 billion yuan, an increase of 7.4% over the previous year. Among them, service consumption amounted to 136.582 billion yuan, an increase of 11.8%. In 2018, the city's per capita consumption expenditure was 39,843 yuan, an increase of 6.5% over the previous year. Per capita consumption expenditure increased, the living standard of residents increased significantly, but there is still a certain gap between urban residents and rural residents' consumption expenditure. In 2018, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Beijing amounted to RMB117.477 billion, an increase of 2.7%, of which the wholesale and retail enterprises above the quota achieved an online retail sales of RMB263.29 billion, an increase of 10.3%, accounting for 22.4% of the total retail sales of consumer goods.
  2. Consumer structure advanced
  With the development of economy and the improvement of the living standard of the residents, the consumer snoes and wears warm, but has diversified consumption demand, which changes from the material consumption to the spiritual consumption in the past. Taking the Engel coefficient of urban households as an example, the Engel coefficient of urban households in Beijing decreased from 33.8 to 19.8 in the 10 years from 2008 to 2017, indicating that the proportion of urban residents' expenditure on food in Beijing has been decreasing and the consumption demand has developed in a diversified direction. According to the Beijing 2018 National Economic and Social Development Statistics Bulletin, the city achieved service consumption of 136.582 billion yuan, an increase of 11.8% over the previous year, faster than the growth rate of total retail sales of consumer goods 9.1 percentage points; Has become the main force driving consumption growth, service consumption leading the capital's consumption transformation and upgrading.   3. Diversification of consumption patterns
  With the continuous development of Information Technology such as Internet, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, cloud services and so on, the infrastructure formed by continuous investment in recent decades has supported the current and future booming intelligent consumption. With this infrastructure, mobile payments are possible, and new consumption patterns of real-time consumption and settlement can emerge. China has formed the infrastructure of intelligent consumption in a short period of time, and many aspects of intelligent consumption are in the forefront of the world, which will lay the foundation for the rapid development of customized consumption in China.
  III.Problems in the development of high-end consumer market in Beijing
  1. Insufficient brand competitiveness
  The cultivation of high-end brands for an enterprise is strategic, need long-term adherence to the continuous creation of investment for the brand. However, at present, many domestic enterprises are eager to pursue the interests, do not want to invest too many enterprise resources to a long time later to benefit from the project or business activities of the company, instead rely on a highly competitive cost-effective to occupy the market. In this way, the goal of enterprise competition is to see whose goods are cheaper, in order to ensure profits, the quality of goods over time is difficult to guarantee. Enterprises do not attach importance to the cultivation of brands, relying on cheap to seize the market, without shaping the core competitiveness, the market enterprises will continue to change. For a country, most enterprises do not attach importance to the cultivation of brands, domestic high-end brand market will be occupied by foreign brands.
  2. Insufficient effective supply of high-end consumption
  According to the Beijing 2018 National Economic and Social Development Statistics Bulletin, the total value of imports and exports in Beijing was 271.825 billion yuan, an increase of 23.9% over the previous year. Of this total, exports amounted to 487.85 billion yuan, an increase of 23.0%, while imports amounted to 223.39 billion yuan, an increase of 24.1%. Imports were 4.57 times the value of exports and had a trade deficit of $174.254 billion. A large number of high-end consumption force outflow, and constantly impact the domestic high-end consumer goods supply market and enterprises, inhibit the supply of high-end consumer goods innovation, is not conducive to the long-term development of the economy.
  3. Lack of consumer trust
  Consumer trust is the basis of the development of the middle and high-end consumer market and the important factor of consumption decision-making. However, in recent years, the domestic consumer market has been exposed a variety of consumer quality problems, a serious blow to consumers for domestic brands trust. China's production capacity and manufacturing capacity have reached the international first-class standard, but there is still diversification, personalized, high-quality consumer goods and high-quality service demand is difficult to be fully met, a large outflow of consumption phenomenon. Chinese people go abroad to buy milk powder, leading to panic in other countries, even the usual toilet lid has been the Chinese people in Japan's crazy rush to buy, thus exposing consumers on domestic products, especially high-end products lack of confidence.
摘要:新世纪之后,我国的企业市场竞争环境日益激烈,不仅会受到本土企业的影响,同时,也会遭受国外企业的制约,因此,企业要如何在这一环境下,提高自身竞争力呢?下文中,笔者将从销售管理角度进行分析,试析以市场营销的创新,来帮助企业提高自身的市场占有率,推动企业发展。  关键词:市场营销;企业;创新  引言  现如今,越来越多的企业,感受到了市场竞争的激烈程度,因此,纷纷思考如何能够在竞争中,站稳脚跟,稳
摘要:本文通过卡诺(KANO)模型的分析和运用,帮助驾校理清了消费者对于驾校的各类需求,通过需求的分析为驾校改革提供了方向,为塑造与提升驾校业务品牌提供了有效的指导和参考。  一、引言  驾校在其业务发展过程中,往往忽视了战略分析工具的运用,导致驾校业务发展的盲从性,无法有效的认清消费者(本文特指即将进入驾校学习的准学员)的真实需求,难以有效指导自身驾校业务的发展。本文通过运用卡诺模型来帮助驾校进
摘要:随着社会的进步以及经济市场的深入发展,雇佣关系成为社会发展过程中的一种普遍现象,薪酬对劳动者和组织的关系有着直接的影响,薪酬就是劳动者通过奉献自己的个人价值得到相应的经济回报的主要体现。因此薪酬与企业人力资源管理密不可分,在企业人力资源管理过程中占据了核心地位。本文主要研究了薪酬在人力资源管理中的地位,并研究了如何设置完善的薪酬体系和提升薪酬的地位措施。  关键词:薪酬;企业管理;人力资源管
摘要:社会存在决定社会意识,社会意识是对社会存在的一种反映,社会变迁一般都会通过家庭及其伦理观念的变化反映出来。随着农村人民收入不断提高,农村家庭伦理观念也发生了新的变化,出现了新的恋爱观、婚姻观、敬老观、生育观等,分析这些家庭伦理观的主要内容及其变化的原因,为构建美好生活视域下的农村家庭伦理观提出一些发展期望。  关键词:建国70年;改革开放;农村家庭伦理观;变化  一、建国70年农村家庭伦理观
摘要:社区矫正作为一种罪犯教育方法,对于未成年人犯罪的改过自新具有独特的价值。我国经过十几年的实践,在未成年人社区矫正制度方面积累了很多经验,同时也取得了一定的发展。但是,随着社会的不断发展,仍然与实践中的适用存在着差距,与期待值存在距离。为了完善我国的未成年人社区矫正制度,根据我国的实际情况,结合国外的有效经验,让未成年人社区矫正制度更好地发挥应有价值。  关键词:社区矫正制度;未成年人;现实状
摘要:马克思主义唯物史观为找寻人类历史发展规律提供了基本遵循,为中国共产党人带领人民建立和建设新中国、捍卫和发展社会主义、实行和推进改革开放,为实现中华民族伟大复兴指明了前进方向。唯物史观科学揭示了人类社会发展的决定性力量和推动历史发展的根本力量,为中国革命、建设、改革奠定了坚实的理论基础。新中国的发展经验再一次印证了马克思主义的科学性。  关键词:唯物史观;新中国发展;经验  新中国的70周年是
一、调查背景  家庭是在婚姻关系和血缘关系基础上产生的,亲属之间构成的社会生活单位,是基本的社会单元。家庭的组织形式及整个社会的伦理观念等都反映了人们所处社会的社会生产关系,家庭的良性稳定发展是社会和谐的基石。建国以来,尤其是改革开放40年来,随着经济体制的发展,农村人口的平均收入普遍提高。以浙江省农村人口为例,随着人口收入的普遍提高,人们的思想观念发生了极大的变化,尤其是家庭伦理观念,出现了新的
摘要:经济的发展,促进建筑工程项目逐渐增多。随着人们审美水平的提升,其对建筑设计也提出了更高的要求。在现代建筑设计中,为了进一步丰富建筑设计的多样性,越来越重视从传统建筑设计中吸取精华和灵感,将传统建筑中蕴藏的艺术美感借鉴到现代建筑设计中来,在继承和发扬传统建筑设计理念的基础上,进一步促进现代建筑设计水平的提升。本文就传统建筑设计在现代建筑设计中的应用展开探讨。  关键词:传统建筑设计;现代建筑设
摘要:体验经济出现于商品经济与服务经济的相互磨合之后。体验经济时代下的体验营销通过刺激受众的感官,达到营销的目的。以反向激励为主要特征的青年亚文化,是新媒体时期的缩影,已成为文化趋势,这种营销方式抓住人性,将产品赋予意义,创造有价值的顾客体验,符合时代的发展。  关键词:体验经济;体验营销;青年亚文化  1.概念界定  1.1体验经济  B·约瑟夫·派恩与詹姆斯·H·吉尔摩作为最先说起“体验”这一