只是,除了善意,他们也拿不出什么好东西来。为了表达善意,他们请我到屋子里坐下,更经常的则是坐在门前的凉棚下,这时他们总忘不了给我递上一杯他们的国饮——茶。在炎热的夏天喝上一杯茶,我不知道还有什么东西比这个更让人消困解乏,哪怕是起到一半的作用也好——我是指像中国人喝的那种又纯又正的茶水,既不加糖也不加牛奶。在消困解乏方面,它比葡萄酒和啤酒都要好很多。茶可以解渴,可以提神,还可以祛除这种气候所引起的种种疾病。 福瓊指出,金塘岛是重要的绿茶产区,种植的茶叶大部分销往外地。
1851年2月16日,福琼带着8名中国制茶工人以及16只温箱离开上海,于3 月15日抵达印度的加尔各答,在当地的茶园指导人们种植茶树与制茶,并将茶种和栽培技术送至喜马拉雅山的茶区。同年8月29日,福琼搭船回到英国。
定海的店主们认为取一个英文的店招有助于招徕更多的关注,生意也会更好。走在街道上,看着那些不同的店招,实在让人忍俊不禁。这些店招都出自士兵和水手们给店主的建议。诸如“STULTZ,裁缝,来自伦敦”,“BUCKMASTER,海、陆军指定裁缝”,“DOMINIE DOBBS,杂货店”,很多店招都写明店主是“女王”陛下御用的,其中一个店招上写道“至高至上维多利亚女王陛下、阿尔伯特亲王殿下御用裁缝”。
Tea Road on the Sea and Zhoushan Archipelago
By Wang Wenhong
Robert Fortune (1812-1880), was a Scottish botanist, plant hunter and traveler, best known for introducing tea plants from China to India and America. Shortly after the British military occupied Dinghai, the biggest island of Zhoushan, he arrived at the archipelago in 1843. In the following years, he took several trips to China. And he wrote books about his adventures in the oriental country, providing details about his quest into tea plants in China. It is noteworthy that Fortune looked into the tea plantations in Zhoushan from 1843 to 1851. If there was a Tea Road on the Sea that connected China to the outside world back then, Zhoushan was a key part of the trade route.
In Zhoushan, Robert Fortune visited tea plantations on Dinghai. He also visited Putuoshan and Jintang, two islands away from Dinghai. He arrived in Hong Kong on June 1843 and a few months later, he came to Zhoushan. He found the archipelago as an ideal base for him to adventure into the inland of China for his plant-hunting project. During this trip, the botany scholar didn’t deviate too far from the port cities engaged in international trade as stipulated in Nanjing Treaty. Moreover, the islands of the archipelago featured mountains and valleys where he certainly did have a good time looking around.
It was in Zhoushan that he did tumble upon some new plant species that he had never seen before, including an indigenous palm tree. Fortune sent some seedlings of the palm tree back to England. One of the palm trees was a birthday gift to the Queen Victoria for her 32nd birthday. Planted in May 1851, the tree still thrives today.
Toward the end of March 1844, Fortune took a northward trip to the mainland of China from Hong Kong. For this adventure, he set up his base in Zhoushan again. In the summers of 1844 and 1845, he visited Dinghai and some islands in close neighborhood.
Islanders planted tea trees around their houses. They sold some tea to Ningbo, a port city on the mainland across the sea. But most of the tea harvested on the islands was consumed by islanders themselves. The islanders didn’t mean to produce tea on a large scale for the outside world.
In July 1844, Fortune and a British doctor arrived on Putuoshan, an island of Buddhist temples. He found that Buddhist monks liked to plant trees around temples and that, knowing the monks’ passion for plants, pilgrims brought various plants from the mainland to the temples. The British botanist searched the local woods on the island and found made a list of what he found there.
June 1848 him come to China again. His major mission was to acquire quality tea seedlings and tea making tools and experienced tea plantation workers for the tea plantations operated by East Indian Company in the Himalayas. Back then, the British company operated some tea plantations in India but the tea produced there was inferior.
Fortune investigated widely and found that the best tea green tea was produced in Zhejiang and Anhui and the best black tea was produced in Wuyi Mountains in Fujian.
During this trip, Fortune first visited tea plantations near Ningbo, where he collected tea plants and seeds. In October 1849, he hired a ship and traveled to Jintang Island. Though it wasn’t far from Dinghai, few British had ever visited Jintang. Botanically, the island was very interesting. He spent days collecting seeds around tea plantations on the undulating hill slopes. He found islanders on Jintang were hospitable. Local people warmly invited him to their houses and treated him with a cup of tea. He found the beverage good to relieve him of fatigue in the hot summer days. Fortune found that the island exported part of its tea products to Malacca in the Southeast Asia. He also found that the black tea and green tea was made with tealeaves from the same tea bushes and that the secret of making different tea products was in the processing.
On February 1851, Fortune left Shanghai for Calcutta, India with 8 Chinese tea makers and 16 cases of tea plants. They arrived on March 15. The Chinese workers brought the tea seeds and planting techniques to the tea plantations in the Himalayas.
His third trip to China was in 1853. His adventure plan had to change as the Taiping Rebellion was raging on. In August he came to Zhoushan again. He collected a great number of botanic and insect specimens.
In 1861, Fortune came to China again, commissioned by the government of the United States to gather tea plants and tea plant seeds. Thanks to his endeavor, 32,000 tea plants successfully put their roots down in American and grew. There is no record whether he came to Zhoushan on this trip.
只是,除了善意,他们也拿不出什么好东西来。为了表达善意,他们请我到屋子里坐下,更经常的则是坐在门前的凉棚下,这时他们总忘不了给我递上一杯他们的国饮——茶。在炎热的夏天喝上一杯茶,我不知道还有什么东西比这个更让人消困解乏,哪怕是起到一半的作用也好——我是指像中国人喝的那种又纯又正的茶水,既不加糖也不加牛奶。在消困解乏方面,它比葡萄酒和啤酒都要好很多。茶可以解渴,可以提神,还可以祛除这种气候所引起的种种疾病。 福瓊指出,金塘岛是重要的绿茶产区,种植的茶叶大部分销往外地。
1851年2月16日,福琼带着8名中国制茶工人以及16只温箱离开上海,于3 月15日抵达印度的加尔各答,在当地的茶园指导人们种植茶树与制茶,并将茶种和栽培技术送至喜马拉雅山的茶区。同年8月29日,福琼搭船回到英国。
定海的店主们认为取一个英文的店招有助于招徕更多的关注,生意也会更好。走在街道上,看着那些不同的店招,实在让人忍俊不禁。这些店招都出自士兵和水手们给店主的建议。诸如“STULTZ,裁缝,来自伦敦”,“BUCKMASTER,海、陆军指定裁缝”,“DOMINIE DOBBS,杂货店”,很多店招都写明店主是“女王”陛下御用的,其中一个店招上写道“至高至上维多利亚女王陛下、阿尔伯特亲王殿下御用裁缝”。
Tea Road on the Sea and Zhoushan Archipelago
By Wang Wenhong
Robert Fortune (1812-1880), was a Scottish botanist, plant hunter and traveler, best known for introducing tea plants from China to India and America. Shortly after the British military occupied Dinghai, the biggest island of Zhoushan, he arrived at the archipelago in 1843. In the following years, he took several trips to China. And he wrote books about his adventures in the oriental country, providing details about his quest into tea plants in China. It is noteworthy that Fortune looked into the tea plantations in Zhoushan from 1843 to 1851. If there was a Tea Road on the Sea that connected China to the outside world back then, Zhoushan was a key part of the trade route.
In Zhoushan, Robert Fortune visited tea plantations on Dinghai. He also visited Putuoshan and Jintang, two islands away from Dinghai. He arrived in Hong Kong on June 1843 and a few months later, he came to Zhoushan. He found the archipelago as an ideal base for him to adventure into the inland of China for his plant-hunting project. During this trip, the botany scholar didn’t deviate too far from the port cities engaged in international trade as stipulated in Nanjing Treaty. Moreover, the islands of the archipelago featured mountains and valleys where he certainly did have a good time looking around.
It was in Zhoushan that he did tumble upon some new plant species that he had never seen before, including an indigenous palm tree. Fortune sent some seedlings of the palm tree back to England. One of the palm trees was a birthday gift to the Queen Victoria for her 32nd birthday. Planted in May 1851, the tree still thrives today.
Toward the end of March 1844, Fortune took a northward trip to the mainland of China from Hong Kong. For this adventure, he set up his base in Zhoushan again. In the summers of 1844 and 1845, he visited Dinghai and some islands in close neighborhood.
Islanders planted tea trees around their houses. They sold some tea to Ningbo, a port city on the mainland across the sea. But most of the tea harvested on the islands was consumed by islanders themselves. The islanders didn’t mean to produce tea on a large scale for the outside world.
In July 1844, Fortune and a British doctor arrived on Putuoshan, an island of Buddhist temples. He found that Buddhist monks liked to plant trees around temples and that, knowing the monks’ passion for plants, pilgrims brought various plants from the mainland to the temples. The British botanist searched the local woods on the island and found made a list of what he found there.
June 1848 him come to China again. His major mission was to acquire quality tea seedlings and tea making tools and experienced tea plantation workers for the tea plantations operated by East Indian Company in the Himalayas. Back then, the British company operated some tea plantations in India but the tea produced there was inferior.
Fortune investigated widely and found that the best tea green tea was produced in Zhejiang and Anhui and the best black tea was produced in Wuyi Mountains in Fujian.
During this trip, Fortune first visited tea plantations near Ningbo, where he collected tea plants and seeds. In October 1849, he hired a ship and traveled to Jintang Island. Though it wasn’t far from Dinghai, few British had ever visited Jintang. Botanically, the island was very interesting. He spent days collecting seeds around tea plantations on the undulating hill slopes. He found islanders on Jintang were hospitable. Local people warmly invited him to their houses and treated him with a cup of tea. He found the beverage good to relieve him of fatigue in the hot summer days. Fortune found that the island exported part of its tea products to Malacca in the Southeast Asia. He also found that the black tea and green tea was made with tealeaves from the same tea bushes and that the secret of making different tea products was in the processing.
On February 1851, Fortune left Shanghai for Calcutta, India with 8 Chinese tea makers and 16 cases of tea plants. They arrived on March 15. The Chinese workers brought the tea seeds and planting techniques to the tea plantations in the Himalayas.
His third trip to China was in 1853. His adventure plan had to change as the Taiping Rebellion was raging on. In August he came to Zhoushan again. He collected a great number of botanic and insect specimens.
In 1861, Fortune came to China again, commissioned by the government of the United States to gather tea plants and tea plant seeds. Thanks to his endeavor, 32,000 tea plants successfully put their roots down in American and grew. There is no record whether he came to Zhoushan on this trip.