情感地带,想说就说!“情感地带”栏目侧重情感倾诉,非常欢迎有真情实感的文章。把你心中的悄悄话写出来寄给我们吧,若能随文附寄你满意的生活照一并刊发更佳。来信请寄长沙市蔡锷北路485号湖南教育报刊社《初中生》编辑部杨青老师收,邮编:410008,电话:0731-4314349(办),E-mail:[email protected]本期话题:新生的烦恼
Emotional zone, want to say, say!“Emotion zone” section focuses on emotional confessions, very welcoming articles with real feelings. Write down your private whispers and send them to us. It would be better if we could send your happy life photos along with the text. Please send your letter to Mr. Yang Qing, editorial department of “Junior High School Students”, Hunan Education Press, No. 485, Caifu North Road, Changsha, 410008, Tel: 0731-4314349 (office), E-mail: [email protected] This issue of the topic: the troubles of freshmen