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  When you own a 100million-plus private jet, maintenance and repair become one of the most important tasks. It is similar to caring for your car. Maintenance and repair costs for a jet can eventually be equivalent to procurement costs. A jet typically flies for 15 and 20 years, depending on its flying and maintenance records. But usually a jet changes hand when it has been used for 7 years. The residue value depends largely on its maintenance records.
  Kong Linshan, chairman of Minsheng Leasing, the biggest buyer of corporate jets in China told U-Jet that all customers took maintenance seriously, who takes chance with one’s own life? U-Jet is visiting all key manufacturers and will present the results of our survey over several issues, starting from this one.
  U-Jet: What maintenance and repair services is Cessna offering to clients? Anything special?
  Cessna: Just like the automobile industry, jet manufacturers need to provide local maintenance services for the convenience and confidence of clients. Cessna is special in that we have two field engineers providing 24-hour services. In addition, we have a hot line manned by the service team of our main models, comprised of design engineers, system engineers and software engineers, again offering around-the-clock services worldwide and providing immediate responses.
  A highlight is that Cessna is building its own top-class service centre, a maintenance and repair base in Xiamen, to be up and running by the end of next year. No other manufacturers can offer that. At the base, a plane can be dismantled into components before being reassembled. A lot of manufacturers do have authorized services centers in China, but can only offer routine maintenance, periodic maintenance and route maintenance, etc; higher-level maintenance and repair can only be done by manufacturers themselves, who are the only ones to have relevant core technologies. This is Cessna’s biggest advantage: planes don’t have to fly to Singapore or North America to be repaired, saving a lot of costs and time.
  Cessna will have authorized service centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Cessna and Hawke Pacific Ground Service Limited will enter into an authorization service contract soon. Cessna will build a whole network of service centers, similar to mature markets. With this network, clients can access a service centre within one-hour.
  U-Jet: How to implement such a service network and how can clients benefit from it?
  Cessna: Our clients need to bear with us for a while, before we launch our grand plan. The service network will include authorized service centers, serving different models according to where they locate.
  The company is initiating a total care plan, providing maintenance and components to clients. Under this program, clients enjoy fixed prices on maintenance and replacement of wearing parts within 5 years of purchase, even if prices go up. Clients don’t need to pay extra within the service scope, so that they can control their costs. Variables costs account for a large part in usage. For example, Cessna offers 4 packages for clients to choose: 300 hours a year, 600 hours 2 year, 900 hours 3 years and 1,200 hours 4 years. Clients don’t pay extra within this limit. Cessna has ranked number one or two over the last couple of years on post-sale services largely for this program.
  U-Jet: How can Cessna help clients to enhance residue value?
  Cessna: Chinese clients pay a lot attention to maintenance and repair but they are not very professional. Manufacturers keep a detailed record of flying information, and the record needs to be signed by qualified people. Cessna checks the record regularly. This needs to be supported by clients. Cessna planes tend to have high residue value after 2-3 years. Missing parameters mean depreciation.
  Amongst mainstream manufacturers, Cessna is the first one in China investing in a maintenance and operations base. This is our differentiation. We try to always do better than competitors.
  豪客比奇:豪客比奇去年11月指定上海霍克太平洋公务航空服务中心为其首家位于中国大陆的授权服务中心 (ASC)。该授权服务中心位于上海虹桥国际机场,霍克太平洋可提供的产品支持服务包括飞机维护,内部结构调整,售后支持,发动机维护、修理及大修,提供航空电子设备零件及其相关服务等。
  豪客比奇一直致力于加大其对中国市场的投入。除了上海的授权服务中心之外,豪客比奇也在香港指定了授权服务中心, 在北京、上海和香港设立了销售和技术支持代表处,并且在北京和香港建立了航材中心。
  U-Jet: What are Hawker Beechcraft’s strengths in post-sale services?
  HB: In November last year, HB authorized Hawker Pacific Business Aviation Services Centre as its ASC in China. It is located at Hongqiao Airport of Shanghai. Hawker Pacific offers aircraft maintenance, interior layout change, post-sale support, engine maintenance, repair and overhaul, and avionics components and services.
  HB has been stepping up its investment in China. Apart from the ASC in Shanghai, HB has another one in Hong Kong, in addition to its sales and technical support offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. It also has aviation materials centers in Beijing and Hong Kong.
  HB has a technical engineer in Shanghai and Beijing each and has added 3 more this year, showing our focus on post-sale services. Aviation materials centers can replace components immediately, saving time and improving efficiency for clients.
  U-Jet: HB completed the first maintenance assignment in January at its Shanghai ASC. How has the client benefited from it?
  HB: The HB 4000 is operated by Jinlu Business Jets. The maintenance lasted for 10 days, covering more than 30 tasks, including a scheduled check at 12-month interval, troubleshooting and other services. The aircraft was returned to the client on time, and it has completed its first flight since. HB 4000 is the most advanced super-midsize jet in the world, and the first all-composite-body aircraft.
  In the past, HB 4000 was maintained in Hong Kong or Singapore. Now in Shanghai, 3-5 days can be saved, as well as costs on positioning flight, fuel, tariffs and labor.
  U-Jet: How is HB planning for post-sale maintenance in future?
  HB: HB-Hawer Pacific partnership serves the east and south markets. The next step is to have similar facilities in the north. The plan is still being worked on. As corporate aviation develops, governments offer policy support and private capital joins in, the market will get more mature.
  U-Jet: More corporate jet users will fly cross borders in future. How will HB guarantee maintenance worldwide?
  HB: HB has more than 100 ASCs worldwide. As long as clients stop in cities with our ASCs, they have access to our maintenance services.
  U-Jet: How does HB see the changes to domestic clients?
  HB: Chinese clients are getting more rational and sophisticated. Clients need to ask: on 75% of occasions, where they are flying? If 75% of destinations are in China, they should consider aircrafts of compatible range. Those who fly international routes regularly naturally should choose long-distance jets.
  For business aviation clients, post-sale services are extremely important. This is a key consideration when clients choose aircrafts to buy. HB will step up investment and post-sale services in China. But today, business aviation is still not very developed, putting constraints on our establishment of service centers.
香港苏富比将于3月31日至4月4日在香港会议展览中心举办2012年春季拍卖会。  此次春拍,苏富比拍卖行旗下八个部门都将呈献一系列精彩拍品,涉及“中国瓷器及艺术品”,“中国书画”,“二十世纪中国艺术”,“当代亚洲艺术”,“现代及当代东南亚艺术”,“洋酒”,“瑰丽珠宝及翡翠首饰”和“珍贵名表”。  如珠宝部特别呈献一系列钻石、宝石、天然珍珠及翡翠,实为藏家搜罗各式卓越珠宝首饰之良机。还将带给钟表藏家
吴景奎简介 About Wu Jingkui  2011年7月,被赛斯纳飞机公司任命为其北亚地区副总裁,主管公司在本地区的销售和市场发展工作。2007年7月,吴景奎任德事隆中国公司副总裁,他还担任美国中国商会的航空航天分会联席主席,莱特兄弟美中航空合作项目(ACP)通航委员会联席主席。在加盟德事隆前,吴景奎为美国洛克希德-马丁全球有限公司的大中华区业务发展总监。  Wu Jingkui was
1月30日,欧洲顶级珠宝品牌POMELLATO宝曼兰朵为庆祝位于美国好莱坞奢华殿堂“比弗利山庄”全新旗舰店的盛大开幕,特邀品牌代言人蒂尔达·斯文顿(Tilda Swinton)倾情主持庆祝盛典及贵宾晚宴,同时此次盛会也成为宝曼兰朵该间旗舰店对洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆(MOCA)进行慈善捐助的璀璨开端。  宝曼兰朵位于好莱坞比弗利山庄罗迪欧大道的旗舰店占地500平方米,堪称品牌全球最大店面,力求全方位展
伯爵Gouverneur系列融合圆形与椭圆形两种相联的形状,巧妙平衡,完美呈现艺术设计的历史传统。细看之下,各款腕表均彰显出伯爵高级制表工作坊的超凡技艺,更是父子二人的匠心杰作,展现出两代设计师的精湛技艺。  Gouverneur腕表系列运用圆形与椭圆形设计,巧妙地排列出独特的美学结构,营造平衡的视觉效果。该系列源于两代设计师的技术与知识传承,父亲设计出Black Tie系列各个腕表造型,儿子则创
编者按:  本刊“公务机诸侯风起云涌”系列报道引发的讨论持续升温。不仅在业界,更引起民航局相关部门的关注。民航局相关负责人表示,对公务机行业的发展思路、模式等方面的探讨和争论,为通航主管部门提供了值得借鉴的素材,值得关注和重视,应该继续深化这种讨论。  为此,本期推出后续报道,邀请南山、东海、新通商3家公务机公司负责人撰文,讨论地方公务机公司的竞争优势、发展路径和模式选择,相信将给大家带来不一样的
集品牌历史、赞助活动主题展览以及经典腕表展示和腕表销售于一体的“劳力士 世·界”(THE ROLEX EXPERIENCE) 体验中心,位于上海外滩27号罗斯福私人会所,该体验中心占地面积超过800平方米的。名为“世·界”,寓意时间与空间上的无限伸展,为公众带来名副其实的全方位互动式品牌体验。  在体验中心的“四方成就完美”展区,参观者可以通过特殊视频技术近距离参观位于瑞士的四间制造所,一览劳力士
随着伯爵Altiplano镂空超薄腕表的隆重面世,再次成就两大世界纪录,并将极限规格提升至全新层面:全球最纤薄的自动上链镂空腕表(5.34毫米),搭载全球最纤薄自动上链镂空机芯(2.40毫米)。  在世上最纤薄的自动上链机芯上进行镌镂艺术,自然需要最上乘的雕琢工艺方能完成。在进行镌镂前,需预先周详研究装饰纹路的构图及计算雕刻镂空的范围,并微幅更动机芯设计,以确保这枚世上最纤薄的自动上链机芯运行的耐
中国有句古话叫“大道虽夷,见几者寡”,意思是说大道理虽不难,能识机要者却很少。艺术品市场亦是如此。  2011年,中国艺术品拍卖全年成交总额达到了940多亿,相比2010年的570亿,增长超过60%, 在春秋两次大的拍卖季中,一个又一个的记录诞生。无论是总体的成交额,单个专场还是个别拍品,都有令人眩晕的表现。  总体来说,参与者们都倾向认为,这个市场充满魅力。无论是从文化属性,还是资金回报率来看,