现在的运输处是一个名叫谭守九的人在这里当一把手。35岁的小谭是由副科长直接提拔为副处长的幸运儿。幸运的原因是原先的领导退居二线了,需要副处级的领导来当一把手,当时有一个正科长可以考虑,但是无奈年龄太大,无提拔的必要,一时又无合适人选。所以,小谭就走了一把红运。要知道在企业里从正科级到副处级是好大一个门槛,何况是由副科长直接提升为副处长了,这叫连升两级。所以,小谭自然是春风得意。但是好在年轻而狡黠的他还是懂得夹着尾巴做人的道理,平日里无论是见到上级或是下属,都是面带微笑,主动和人家打招呼。但是最近天天挂在小谭脸上的笑容不见了,平时夹住的尾巴也露了出来。事情的经过是这样的。公司机关大院春季植树,需要使用20 t吊车协助。司机小
Now the transport department is a man named TAM Shou-jiu, who is here. 35-year-old Xiao Tan is directly promoted by the Deputy Chief of Staff as a lucky child. The reason for being fortunate is that the former leaders relegated to the second line. They needed the leadership of the Deputy Director-level to be the leader. At that time, there was a section chief who could consider it. However, he was too old to be promoted and not suitable for a while. So, Xiao Tan left a lucky. To know that in the enterprise from the main level to the deputy level is a big threshold, not to mention the Deputy Chief directly promoted to deputy director, called Lian Sheng two. Therefore, Xiaotan naturally triumphantly. But fortunately young and sly, he still knows how to live with the tail caught the truth, whether it is on weekdays to see superiors or subordinates, are smiling, take the initiative to greet people. But recently the smile hanging on Xiao Tan’s face disappeared every now and then, and her tail caught the usual. That’s what happened. Planting companies in the spring compound tree, need to use 20 t crane assistance. Small driver