石油钻探经费是石油普查勘探经费的主要组成部分,加强石油钻探工作的经营管理,降低钻探成本,是石油普查勘探工作节约国家地质勘探拨款的主要途径。几年来,湖南石油普查勘探工作有的钻井费用小,钻探成本比较低;而有的钻井则费用大,钻探成本比较高。这种差距,说明石油钻探工作降低成本是大有潜力可挖的。下面就如何降低钻探成本的问题谈几点粗浅的看法: 一、加强固定资产的管理、保养和维修石油钻探工作的一大特点是固定资产所占的比重很大,因此,加强固定资产的管理、保养和维修工作,降低设备磨损系数,延长设备使用寿命,减少设备折旧费用,是石油普查勘探工作节约地质勘探经费、降低钻探成本的重要环节。加强固定资产的管理、保养和维修,不仅是机械技
The oil drilling funds are the main component of the petroleum census exploration funds. Strengthening the operation and management of oil drilling work and reducing the cost of drilling are the main ways for the oil exploration census to save national geological exploration funding. Over the past few years, some petroleum exploration surveys in Hunan have had low drilling costs and relatively low drilling costs; while some drilling operations have high costs and relatively high drilling costs. This gap shows that there is great potential to be tapped for oil drilling to reduce costs. Here are some thoughts on how to reduce the cost of drilling: First, strengthen the management, maintenance and repair of fixed assets A major feature of oil drilling is the large proportion of fixed assets. Therefore, the management of fixed assets is strengthened. The maintenance, repair and maintenance work, the reduction of equipment wear coefficient, the prolongation of service life of equipment, and the reduction of equipment depreciation expenses are important links in the exploration survey of petroleum, which saves geological exploration funds and reduces the cost of drilling. Strengthen the management, maintenance and repair of fixed assets, not only mechanical technology