在本世纪可以称得上“世界级”的指挥大师中,罗马尼亚裔的切利比达克可以说是一个“异数”。这位才华横溢个性古怪、行事专断的指挥家出生于1912年,他6岁开始学习钢琴和作曲,然而却大器晚成,直到27的“高龄”才开始进入柏林高等音乐学校就学(在“神童”比比皆是的音乐界,27真算得上是一个了不起的高龄了),与此同时,他正在柏林大学进修哲学、高等数学、音响心理学及音乐心理学等课程。二次大战结束的1 945年,切利比达克获得博士,并在这一年获得他一生中第一
In this century can be regarded as “world-class ” master of command, Romanian Cecily Benedict can be said to be a “alien ”. The talented and disinterested conductor was born in 1912 and began piano and composition at the age of six. However, he was late into the age of 27 before entering higher education in Berlin "The abounding music scene, 27 really deserves to be a remarkable senior), and at the same time he is pursuing a course in philosophy, advanced mathematics, audio psychology and music psychology at the University of Berlin. In 1945, which ended in World War II, Cecily Benedict was awarded a Ph.D. and won first place in his life this year