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目的:了解威海市麻疹、风疹的流行病学特征,为制定防治措施提供依据。方法:对2007~2008年麻疹、风疹监测数据进行分析。结果:2007~2008年共报告麻疹、风疹疑似病例309例,实验室确诊麻疹病例48例,风疹病例189例。其中2007年麻疹风疹报告发病率分别为0.68/10万、2.67/10万,2008年麻疹风疹报告发病率分别为1.23/10万、4.84/10万,风疹发病率显著高于麻疹发病率,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。威海市区麻疹、风疹发病率均最高,分别为6.14/10万、26.59/10万,不同地区间发病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。麻疹以3~5月份发病最多,占79.17%,风疹以4~6月份发病最多,占85.71%;麻疹、风疹高发年龄集中在16~26岁,分别占42.86%、73.54%,发病年龄有后移现象,接近妇女生育年龄期。结论:外来人口免疫空白是影响威海市麻疹疫情的主要原因,继续深入加强外来人口管理;加强风疹疫苗的常规免疫工作,提高风疹疫苗的接种率,同时加强大中专院校学生及工厂工人聚集场所风疹疫苗强化免疫工作,有效控制流动人口麻疹、风疹的流行。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the epidemiological characteristics of measles and rubella in Weihai and to provide the basis for making prevention and treatment measures. Methods: Measles and rubella monitoring data from 2007 to 2008 were analyzed. Results: A total of 309 cases of measles and rubella were reported from 2007 to 2008, including 48 cases of measles and 189 cases of rubella. Including the incidence of measles rubella in 2007 were 0.68 / 100,000, 2.67 / 100,000, the incidence of measles rubella in 2008 were 1.23 / 100,000, 4.84 / 100,000, the incidence of measles was significantly higher than the incidence of measles, the difference There was statistical significance (P <0.01). The incidence rates of measles and rubella were the highest in Weihai city, accounting for 6.14 / 100000 and 26.59 / 100000, respectively. There were significant differences in the incidence of measles and rubella in different regions (P <0.01). The most incidence of measles in March to May, accounting for 79.17%, the most incidence of rubella in April to June, accounting for 85.71%; measles, rubella high incidence of age concentrated in the 16 to 26 years old, accounting for 42.86%, 73.54%, age of onset after Move the phenomenon, close to the women’s reproductive age. CONCLUSION: Immune blank of migrant population is the main reason for the outbreak of measles in Weihai City. We will continue to intensify the management of migrant population. We will strengthen routine immunization of rubella vaccine and increase the immunization rate of rubella vaccine. Meanwhile, we will strengthen the gathering of students and factory workers in colleges and universities. Rubella vaccine to strengthen the work of immunization, effective control of floating population measles, rubella epidemic.
“对于空调厂家而言,节能减排,走低碳发展之路,不应只重视家用空调,中央空调也同样大有可为。”日前,志高空调在上海世博园区广东馆内举行“志高中央空调 ”For air-condit
【摘要】“慢设计”是在社会快速发展状态下的一种新型思维模式,它强调设计作品中物质、情感、文化的可持续体现;一个好的书籍装帧设计最基本要素就是“五感”的体现,本文即抓住了“慢设计”与“五感”的交融点,以四本优秀的书籍装帧案例来探讨“慢设计”在书籍装帧中的完美运用。  【关键词】书籍装帧;慢设计;五感  当今社会人们的物质文化生活大大丰富,物质上的富足使人们更加注重自我的情感需求,随着慢设计概念的提出