Effects of proglumide, a gastrin receptor antagonist, on human large intestine carcinoma SW480 cell

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thomson888
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Objective To explore the effects of proglumide, a gastrin receptor antagonist, on the amount of viable cells, synthesis of DNA and protein, and cell proliferation cycle in human large intestine carcinoma SW480 cell line in order to provide experimental basis for treatment of large intestine carcinoma using proglumide.Methods Large intestine carcinoma SW480 cells at logarithmic growth stage were cultivated with different concentrations of proglumide for different periods of time, then the amount of viable cells was determined by MTT colorimetric analysis. The SW480 cells were cultivated with proglumide, pentagastrin, proglumide+pentagastrin for the same period of time, then the contents of DNA and protein and the cell proliferation cycle were determined by flow-cytometry.Results The amount of viable cells, synthesis of DNA and protein, distribution of cell cycle, and proliferation index (PI) in the proglumide group did not differ significantly from those in the pentagastrin group (P>0.05). The amount of viable cells in the pentagastrin group was significantly higher than that in the pentagastrin group (P<0.01). In the proglumide+pentagastrin group the amount of viable cells, synthesis of DNA and protein, amount of S and G2M phase cells, and PI were all significantly lower than those in the pentagastrin group (all P<0.01), and the amount of G0/G1 phase cells was significantly higher than that in the pentagastrin group (P<0.01), but none of the above differed from those in the control group (all P>0.05).Conclusions Proglumide has no obvious effect on the growth of human large intestine carcinoma SW480 cell line, but can inhibit the growth-promoting effect of pentagastrin on large intestine carcinoma cells. The mechanism may be that proglumide inhibits the promoting effect of pentagastrin on the synthesis of DNA and protein of carcinoma cells, and then inhibits carcinoma cell growth from G0/G1 phase to S and G2M phase.
人脸识别是模式识别领域中一个相当困难而又有理论意义和实际价值的研究课题。传统的基于K L变换的自动人脸识别方法 ,不用过多地考虑人脸的局部特征 ,利用特征脸方法进行识别 ,取得了一定的进展。但是 ,人脸作为一个特殊的场景 ,脸像会受年龄、心情、拍摄角度、光照条件、发饰等因素影响 ,所成图像存在差异。传统的基于K L变换的自动人脸识别方法不能很好地克服这些畸变的影响。文中将主成分分析方法引入人脸识别
以往的被动测距方法主要集中在可见光领域 ,利用图像稳定的特征点进行跟踪 ,目前利用计算目标尺度变化率进行撞击时间估计 ,已经发展成为一种较成熟的方法。然而在红外领域 ,由于红外图像自身的特性其特征点难以提取 ,原有的特征点跟踪方法无法适用。文中论述了一种红外图像撞击时间估计方法 ,根据红外图像难以提取特征点而相对易于目标分割的特点 ,提出了先对图像进行分割提取目标面积 ,然后根据图像序列目标面积变
数据融合的概念应用在遥感图像的自动特征提取中 ,可以利用数据的互补和冗余来改善特征提取的性能。由于经典理论交集和并集的外延法不能得到满意的结果 (相应的算子过于严格或是过于宽松 ) ,对这两个具有对立特性的算子进行折衷 ,可以得到较为满意的结果。运用上下文依赖模糊算子实现这种折衷 ,对其加权因子的构造提出了新的设想和算法。参照计算机模拟的结果 ,分析和讨论了它的特点
传统的图像匹配方法中 ,由于实时图和参考图之间存在着灰度差异和几何形变 ,仅用灰度作为特征进行匹配算法的性能很容易受到影响。文中提出了一种基于奇异值分解的图像匹配方法。该方法首先利用奇异值分解方法 ,求出模板图像矩阵的奇异值及奇异值向量 ,用它们作为模板图像的特征代替传统算法中的灰度对两幅待匹配图像进行全局搜索定位。由于奇异值分解方法所特有的优越性 ,匹配实验取得了良好效果。实验结果验证了该方法的
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