李欧·李奥尼(Leo Lionni,1910—1999),是美国的童书作家,开创了一个绘本的新时代。他49岁时开始创作绘本,被誉为“色彩魔术师”和“20世纪的伊索”。代表作《一寸虫》《小黑鱼》《田鼠阿佛》《亚历山大和发条老鼠》分别于1961年、1964年、1968年及1970年四次荣获美国凯迪克银奖。以李欧·李奥尼出版的25部绘本作品为对象,探讨其对中国原创图画书出版的借鉴意义。
Leo Lionni (1910-1999), a bookstore writer in the United States, started a new era of picture books. When he was 49 years old, he began to create a picture book, known as “color magician ” and “20th century Aesop ”. The masterpieces “An inch of the worm” “Blackfish” “Aphrodite” “Alexander and clockwork mouse” won the United States in 1961, 1964, 1968 and 1970, four times won the United States Catic Silver. Twenty-five pictures of works by Liou Lianyi are discussed, and their implications for the publication of Chinese original picture books are explored.