莒县位于山东省东南部,隶属于日照市。全县总面积1952.4平方公里,辖15镇10乡,人口108万。 莒县是块古老的土地,历史悠久,古文化源远流长。早在5000多年前,莒部落的先民就在这里活动,是中华民族和中华古文化的发祥地之一。莒县县城是春秋时代莒国都城,已有3000多年历史,为山东省重点文物保护单位,1992年被山东省列为历史文化名城。
Juxian County is located in southeastern Shandong Province, under the Rizhao City. The county a total area of 1952.4 square kilometers, administer 15 townships 10 townships, population 1.08 million. Pixian is an ancient piece of land with a long history and ancient culture goes back to ancient times. As early as 5,000 years ago, the tribe’s ancestors lived here and was one of the cradles of the Chinese nation and the ancient Chinese culture. Pixian county is the Spring and Autumn Period, the capital of the country, has 3,000 years of history, Shandong Province, a key cultural relics protection units, in 1992 by Shandong Province as a historical and cultural city.