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最近,我们对某市属区人民法院于1991年至1992年3月间判处的48名缓刑的监管情况进行了回访和调查.总的看是好的,制度健全,措施得力,主要经验是:(1)罪犯所在单位与公安派出所共管.这些单位有帮教小组、或者有专人进行管理,并建立“重点人员考察档案”,定期汇报思想、学习、工作、遵纪守法情况.单位定期向派出所写出书面报告,汇报被管教人的改造表现情况.派出所由片警定期或不定期地进行考察.(2)街道居委会和公安派出所共管.这类人员所在的街道居委会一般都有专人管理,外出要请假,回来要销假.派出所建有“重点人员档案”.由管区民警不定期进行考察:一是到居委会了解表现情况;二是由本人定期去派出所汇报表现情况.茹某因犯非法拘禁罪,判处有期徒刑一年,缓刑一年,因其父亲去世,他和母亲一起生活困难,街道居委会便帮助他办理了营业执照,摆小摊,目前表现较好.存在的主要问题是:第一,村治保小组和乡派出所共同管理的这一块的工作不落实,管教工作比较差.如没有汇报制度,只有请销假制 Recently, we conducted a follow-up survey of the supervision of 48 probationary sentences handed down by a municipal district people’s court from 1991 to March 1992. The main findings are good, sound system and effective measures. The main experiences are: (1) The unit where the criminal is in charge shall be in charge of the public security police station, and these units shall have a teaching assistant group or a special person in charge of management, and shall establish “archives for key personnel” and report regularly on their thinking, study, work and law-abiding behavior. (2) Street neighborhood and police station co-management.Such personnel located in the neighborhood committees are generally staffed with management, go out to take a leave of absence , Back to leave the police.The police station built a “key personnel files.” From time to time by the district police investigation: First, to the neighborhood to understand the performance of the situation; Second, by my regular reports to the police station performance .Rou a prison for illegal detention, sentenced One year imprisonment, suspended for one year, because of his father’s death, he and his mother living in difficulties, neighborhood committees will help him apply for a business license, put small Currently performed better main problems are: first, the village security team and township police station co-management of this piece of work is not implemented, such as poor work discipline reporting system does not only please sick leave system.
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