Patient patient, 53 years old, farmer. Due to progressive headache, trance, words less, lazy for more than 20 days, on May 23, 1986 admission. Premorbid sense of fever history, previous physical health. After admission, physical examination: Consciousness, body temperature 37.1 ℃ pulse 84 beats / min, blood pressure 118 / 82mmHg, cardiorespiratory abnormalities. Nervous system and mental examination: mental exhaustion, glazed eyes, apathy, unresponsive, recent forgetting, poor calculation, orienteering. Stiff neck suspicious, double pupil and so on, the presence of light reflexes, both eyes normal. Limb muscle strength, muscle tone symmetry, did not lead to cones semi-levy. Laboratory tests: blood, urine routine normal, lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid pressure 220mmH_2O, cell count 0 / mm ~ 3, protein