Hollywood studios have 1)latched onto a new strategy: delivering big explosions, car chases, and CGI, served with a 2)hefty helping of 3)déjà vu.
In 2011, nine of the 10 top-grossing films worldwide were sequels, led by the final Harry Potter 4)installment ($1.3 billion), Transformers: Dark of the Moon ($1.1 billion), and the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean offering($1 billion), according to online movie database 5)Box Office Mojo. So far this year, six of the top 10 top-grossing movies are part of bigger franchises, including four sequels (Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, Men in Black 3, Madagascar 3, and Wrath of the Titans),
2011年,全球十大票房大卖的电影中,有九部是续集。根据网上电影数据库Box Office Mojo的统计可知,排在前列的是《哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)》(票房为13亿美元)、《变形金刚3:月黑之时》(票房收入为11亿美元),而《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》则赚取了10亿美元票房。今年到目前为止,十大卖座电影中有六部是豪华大作,其中四部是续集——《地心历险记2:神秘岛》、《黑衣人3》、《马达加斯加3》以及《诸神之怒》,
With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate(富有同情心的), and the wisdom to be humble(谦逊的). Courage is the foundation of integrity(正直的). —Keshavan Nair
one film with sequels to follow (The Hunger Games), and one 6)hodgepodge of heroes from other films(Marvel’s The Avengers). Another of 2012’s top hits, Titanic 3D, is a high-tech 7)reissue of the 1997 hit.
Moviegoers have a 8)smorgasbord of recycled characters to choose from in part because studios want to make absolutely sure they keep theater seats full.
“It’s an industry 9)rife with uncertainty, in that every time you make a movie, you’re making a 10)prototype product that you have no idea that anyone wants,” says Lawrence Turman, film producer and the chair of the 11)Peter Stark Producing Program at the University of Southern California.
Not only are box-office revenues uncertain, he points out, but 12)piracy and online viewing have helped to take a bite out of the revenues that come after a film’s theatrical release.
“It’s a little harder for major studios to make money now because their DVD sales have dropped 13)precipitously,” he says.
Consumer spending on buying and renting discs and digital movies fell by 2 percent in 2011, to $18 billion, as USA Today reported earlier this year. And while Blu-ray disc sales grew by 19 percent, DVD sales—a much bigger market—dropped 20 percent.
另一部是未完待续的电影——《饥饿游戏》,一部是从其他电影引申而来的英雄“大杂烩”——《复仇者联盟》。另一部2012年的大热片是《泰坦尼克号 3D版》,以高科技重新制作1997年的大片。
In addition to giving studios a surefire path to more revenues, making sequels can also simply be more efficient.
“It can 14)diminish the need for casting an all new set of actors. And they’re often also filmed in a series, which saves time and money,” says Agata Kaczanowska, lead entertainment industry analyst at market research firm IBISWorld. For example, all three Lord of the Rings movies were filmed 15)back-to-back.
Still, while making a sequel can save some trouble and maybe some money, film studios still tend to stick to big-budget, CGI-heavy 16)blockbusters when it comes to franchises. In other words, moviegoers shouldn’t 17)hold their breath for Black Swan 2 or Revenge of the Social Network.
“The idea of doing sequels was not invented by this generation, but the kind of sequels have totally changed directions. Now the only sequels are the big 18)rock’em sock’em ones,” says Turman. “The studios have learned that the biggest revenues come with the biggest cost, the most expensive risk. And if it worked once, why not a second time?”
Indeed, a glance backward suggests that sequels didn’t always dominate. In 2000, only one movie in the global top 10—Mission: Impossible II—was a sequel (though Meet the Parents and X-Men went on to inspire more installments). In 1990, only two films in the global top 10 were sequels.
One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. —Will Durant
Big-budget action films make big money not just because they’re fun; it’s because they market well to foreign audiences. Thus far this year, over 70 percent of Men in Black 3’s grosses have come from overseas, along with 58 percent of The Avengers’ $1.4 billion.
“To put it in 19)blunt terms, the big companies—Warner, Sony, Universal, Paramount, all those—they are essentially making movie for people who do not speak English,” says Turman. A film that involves lots of 20)visual stimulation without thousands of words of reading, he says, will be more enjoyable for many non-Englishspeaking audiences.
Put more simply, hearing Prometheus’ Noomie Rapace scream in terror as she delivers an alien via a robot-administered 21)C-section requires no translation. Hearing Colin Firth’s King George VI overcome a 22)speech impediment requires a more 23)nuanced explanation, not to mention a fair amount of reading for foreign audiences.
It is true that Hollywood’s interest filming sequelsand remakes is nothing new—one need look no further than Rocky, Star Wars, and The Godfather for proof. But in today’s action-24)fixated environment, says Turman, the famous 25)mafia 26)trilogy might have looked a bit different.
“Doing that today they’d probably 27)spice it up with having Spiderman visit them or something,”he says.
“要拍摄黑手党的故事,现在电影公司可能会加入蜘蛛侠去拜访或是其他什么的桥段来‘丰富’剧情,” 杜鲁门如此说。
CGI 即Computer Generated Image,电脑生成图像,昔日被称为电脑绘图(Computer Graphics,CG),是指使用电脑产生的影像,更精确的如应用在影片中的3D特效,还有在电影、电视、广告、视频游戏、互动多媒体等领域也很常见。
Blu-ray disc 蓝光光碟,简称BD,是DVD之后的下一代光盘格式之一,用以存储高品质的影音以及高容量的数据存储。蓝光光碟的命名是由于其采用波长405纳米的蓝色激光光束来进行读写操作(DVD采用650纳米波长的红光读写器,CD则是采用780纳米波长)。一个单层的蓝光光碟的容量为25或是27GB,足够录制一个长达4小时的高解析影片。
franchise 原意是特许,特权。用到电影上时,人们对这个词语的使用相对松散。本质上franchise指的是一部这样的电影:它在各种发行方式(主要是影院、影碟和电视)所得之外还通过其他途径获取了额外收入。其他途径可以是续集和系列电影,也可以是制片商授权他方发行的附属产品,包括玩具模型、电子游戏、咖啡杯、T恤衫,以及其他上百种可孕育的商品。
Hollywood studios have 1)latched onto a new strategy: delivering big explosions, car chases, and CGI, served with a 2)hefty helping of 3)déjà vu.
In 2011, nine of the 10 top-grossing films worldwide were sequels, led by the final Harry Potter 4)installment ($1.3 billion), Transformers: Dark of the Moon ($1.1 billion), and the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean offering($1 billion), according to online movie database 5)Box Office Mojo. So far this year, six of the top 10 top-grossing movies are part of bigger franchises, including four sequels (Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, Men in Black 3, Madagascar 3, and Wrath of the Titans),
2011年,全球十大票房大卖的电影中,有九部是续集。根据网上电影数据库Box Office Mojo的统计可知,排在前列的是《哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)》(票房为13亿美元)、《变形金刚3:月黑之时》(票房收入为11亿美元),而《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》则赚取了10亿美元票房。今年到目前为止,十大卖座电影中有六部是豪华大作,其中四部是续集——《地心历险记2:神秘岛》、《黑衣人3》、《马达加斯加3》以及《诸神之怒》,
With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate(富有同情心的), and the wisdom to be humble(谦逊的). Courage is the foundation of integrity(正直的). —Keshavan Nair
one film with sequels to follow (The Hunger Games), and one 6)hodgepodge of heroes from other films(Marvel’s The Avengers). Another of 2012’s top hits, Titanic 3D, is a high-tech 7)reissue of the 1997 hit.
Moviegoers have a 8)smorgasbord of recycled characters to choose from in part because studios want to make absolutely sure they keep theater seats full.
“It’s an industry 9)rife with uncertainty, in that every time you make a movie, you’re making a 10)prototype product that you have no idea that anyone wants,” says Lawrence Turman, film producer and the chair of the 11)Peter Stark Producing Program at the University of Southern California.
Not only are box-office revenues uncertain, he points out, but 12)piracy and online viewing have helped to take a bite out of the revenues that come after a film’s theatrical release.
“It’s a little harder for major studios to make money now because their DVD sales have dropped 13)precipitously,” he says.
Consumer spending on buying and renting discs and digital movies fell by 2 percent in 2011, to $18 billion, as USA Today reported earlier this year. And while Blu-ray disc sales grew by 19 percent, DVD sales—a much bigger market—dropped 20 percent.
另一部是未完待续的电影——《饥饿游戏》,一部是从其他电影引申而来的英雄“大杂烩”——《复仇者联盟》。另一部2012年的大热片是《泰坦尼克号 3D版》,以高科技重新制作1997年的大片。
In addition to giving studios a surefire path to more revenues, making sequels can also simply be more efficient.
“It can 14)diminish the need for casting an all new set of actors. And they’re often also filmed in a series, which saves time and money,” says Agata Kaczanowska, lead entertainment industry analyst at market research firm IBISWorld. For example, all three Lord of the Rings movies were filmed 15)back-to-back.
Still, while making a sequel can save some trouble and maybe some money, film studios still tend to stick to big-budget, CGI-heavy 16)blockbusters when it comes to franchises. In other words, moviegoers shouldn’t 17)hold their breath for Black Swan 2 or Revenge of the Social Network.
“The idea of doing sequels was not invented by this generation, but the kind of sequels have totally changed directions. Now the only sequels are the big 18)rock’em sock’em ones,” says Turman. “The studios have learned that the biggest revenues come with the biggest cost, the most expensive risk. And if it worked once, why not a second time?”
Indeed, a glance backward suggests that sequels didn’t always dominate. In 2000, only one movie in the global top 10—Mission: Impossible II—was a sequel (though Meet the Parents and X-Men went on to inspire more installments). In 1990, only two films in the global top 10 were sequels.
One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. —Will Durant
Big-budget action films make big money not just because they’re fun; it’s because they market well to foreign audiences. Thus far this year, over 70 percent of Men in Black 3’s grosses have come from overseas, along with 58 percent of The Avengers’ $1.4 billion.
“To put it in 19)blunt terms, the big companies—Warner, Sony, Universal, Paramount, all those—they are essentially making movie for people who do not speak English,” says Turman. A film that involves lots of 20)visual stimulation without thousands of words of reading, he says, will be more enjoyable for many non-Englishspeaking audiences.
Put more simply, hearing Prometheus’ Noomie Rapace scream in terror as she delivers an alien via a robot-administered 21)C-section requires no translation. Hearing Colin Firth’s King George VI overcome a 22)speech impediment requires a more 23)nuanced explanation, not to mention a fair amount of reading for foreign audiences.
It is true that Hollywood’s interest filming sequelsand remakes is nothing new—one need look no further than Rocky, Star Wars, and The Godfather for proof. But in today’s action-24)fixated environment, says Turman, the famous 25)mafia 26)trilogy might have looked a bit different.
“Doing that today they’d probably 27)spice it up with having Spiderman visit them or something,”he says.
“要拍摄黑手党的故事,现在电影公司可能会加入蜘蛛侠去拜访或是其他什么的桥段来‘丰富’剧情,” 杜鲁门如此说。
CGI 即Computer Generated Image,电脑生成图像,昔日被称为电脑绘图(Computer Graphics,CG),是指使用电脑产生的影像,更精确的如应用在影片中的3D特效,还有在电影、电视、广告、视频游戏、互动多媒体等领域也很常见。
Blu-ray disc 蓝光光碟,简称BD,是DVD之后的下一代光盘格式之一,用以存储高品质的影音以及高容量的数据存储。蓝光光碟的命名是由于其采用波长405纳米的蓝色激光光束来进行读写操作(DVD采用650纳米波长的红光读写器,CD则是采用780纳米波长)。一个单层的蓝光光碟的容量为25或是27GB,足够录制一个长达4小时的高解析影片。
franchise 原意是特许,特权。用到电影上时,人们对这个词语的使用相对松散。本质上franchise指的是一部这样的电影:它在各种发行方式(主要是影院、影碟和电视)所得之外还通过其他途径获取了额外收入。其他途径可以是续集和系列电影,也可以是制片商授权他方发行的附属产品,包括玩具模型、电子游戏、咖啡杯、T恤衫,以及其他上百种可孕育的商品。