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  Natalie: Ah, there is nothing better than a holiday.
  Feifei: I know. I love visiting new places and seeing famous sites.
  Natalie: I prefer a relaxing holiday at the beach, soaking up[吸收] the sun and reading a book. Hi, I’m Natalie.
  Hello, my name is Dong Yang. I’m a high school student from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei province of China. We are [on] holiday, and I want to know how long the British students’ holiday [is] and how students spend their
  holiday. Thank you very much.
  Natalie: In Britain, people who work full time are entitled to[有权] at least 28 days’ holiday which includes public holidays, but British students get a lot more. I went to meet a few students to find out how long they get off for holiday.
  A: About seven weeks, from about June till July, August.
  B: …Well, I don’t really have one. I have to hand in my dissertation[论文] at the end of
  August, so…yeah, university’s open throughout
  the summer, so…
  C: Three months, yeah.
  Feifei: Three months! I’m very jealous[妒忌的]!
  Natalie: Same here! So as you heard, most of the students in Britain get between two to three months off during the summer.
  Feifei: But there was one girl who didn’t seem to be getting a holiday this year.
  Natalie: So there are some students still
  working hard over the summer.
  Feifei: I wish I had the whole summer off.
  Natalie: One summer when I was a student, I went travelling for a few weeks on the west coast of America. Did you do any travelling when you were a student, Feifei?
  Feifei: Yes, I did. My parents and I used to go on holiday together during the summer. Ah, the good old days!
  Natalie: I know, sometimes I wish I was a
  student again. So Dong Yang wants to know how British students spend their holidays.
  A: Mostly spend time relaxing back at home and…maybe just going on holiday for two or three weeks with some friends, just probably south of France.
  B: Yeah, so I am working at Wimbledon for two weeks, the tennis…just behind the bar there. And then I’ve got a seven week
  internship[实习] doing consulting[顾问咨询], so…I’m also going on holiday for a week, so a bit of leisure in there.
  乙: 是的,我会在温布尔登工作两周,就是网球……在吧台那儿干活。然后我要实习七个星期,从事顾问工作,所以……我还打算出去玩一个星期,所以还是有一点休闲时间的。)
  Feifei: So this person is working at the UK’s biggest tennis competition.
  Natalie: Wimbledon is one of the world’s most famous tennis competitions. The competition attracts a lot of famous tennis players, and people are famously known to eat strawberries and cream while watching the competition. It’s a very British food. Here is this student
  explaining more.
  I think between first and second years, I think most people just take holiday, maybe have a part-time job. But between like, second and third years, I think most people are doing internships for most of the holiday. Obviously you’ve always got a bit of time to go away maybe and see friends. But yeah, internships, I think that’s what most people do.
  Feifei: He also says that you always find time to go away and see your friends.
  Natalie: Yes, in Britain a lot of students travel with friends during their time off. So British
  students tend to spend their two to three months off university travelling, working at a part-time job or internship and spending time with friends and family. Ah, I feel like I need to book a holiday.
  Feifei: Me too! Maybe to the south of France?
  Natalie: Sounds good to me!
Can anybody hear me?  Or am I talking to myself?  My mind is running empty  In the search for someone else  Who doesn’t look right through me  It’s all just static[静止的] in my head  Can anybody tell me
事情始于今年早些时候的一个星期六。在和朋友斯蒂芬、劳拉一起逛街的时候,我看见一条很好看的心形项链,我喜欢极了。我没有钱,但真的很想得到它。我在那里站了一会儿,一直在想怎样才可以得到它。我应该存钱吗?或者借钱?然后我四周打量了一下。  由于快到关店时间,店里没什么人。我迅速将项链放进包里,心怦怦直跳。  我马上心虚起来,很害怕被人抓  有时候,你的朋友希望其他人可以就他们的选择做出回应。跟他们谈谈这
你是不是经常觉得时间不够用?只有当你懂得如何管理时间,你才能运筹帷幄。这里忙一下、那里忙一会儿其实只是浪费时间。有效的时间管理让你能够根据工作的重要性进行排序,优先处理最重要的工作,这对完成目标可是至关重要的哦。以下一些误区,你“中招”了吗?  认为自己能够一口气工作8至10小时确实不错,特别是当限期临近时。但是不让自己大脑休息一下,充充电,没有人能够集中精神并高质量地完成工作。  所以,不要觉得
阿加莎·克里斯蒂的书迷一定对小说里的海滩、旅馆、列车等公共场所印象深刻。正如克里斯蒂自己所说,虽然她创作的角色是虚构的,但书中的场景都是真实存在的。跟随她的足迹,看看你是否记得以下这些景点在哪部小说中出现过。    德文郡托基市—阿加莎·克里斯蒂的文学印迹    Best-selling crime author Agatha Christie comes from Torquay in Devo
Moriarty is back.  After a short cameo[片段] in the 2009 hit film Sherlock   Holmes, the detective’s most notorious[声名狼籍的] enemy becomes the focus of the sequel[续集], scheduled[预定的] for release Dec. 16th
Marcos Lutyens is a multimedia artist interested in the 1)neurological condition of 2)synesthesia, which causes people to experience mixed sensory reactions to situations that would normally just 3)st
就算不是侦探小说迷,你也一定听说过《东方快车谋杀案》和《尼罗河上的惨案》。这两部小说皆出自“侦探小说女王”(Queen of Crime)——  阿加莎·克里斯蒂之手。据吉尼斯世界纪录统计,  阿加莎·克里斯蒂是人类史上最畅销的著书作家。将所有形式的著作算入,其作品销量在书籍发行史上仅次于《圣经》和莎士比亚的  作品。  有时候实在很难想象,一位老妇人(网上有人亲切地称她作“阿婆”)竟然写了79部
We’re walking in the air  We’re floating[漂浮] in the midnight sky  People far below  Are sleeping as we fly above    I am holding very tight  I’m riding in the midnight blue  Finding I can fly  So high
相信大家一定趁着暑假的机会进行了各种各样的体育运动吧。夏日炎炎,光是站着就已经满头大汗,运动起来可就是汗流浃背啊。这时,来一瓶能量饮料,真是“解口渴,更解体渴”!现在市面上的能量饮料品种多不胜数,它们都声称可以提神醒脑,迅速补充体力。但在大口大口地喝下这些饮料时,你对它们的了解又有多少呢?现在,我们就来了解一下能量饮料对人体的影响吧。    Everyone loves energy drinks
它们是平静地飘浮在蓝天中的手工艺杰作,吸引着大人小孩的目光;它们将天空变成了一个万花筒。  它们是什么?——巨大的热气球!欢迎来到美国一年一度的德克萨斯州热气球大赛。这项比赛标志着为期一年的美国热气球赛季正式开始。这些热气球团队接着会参加全美、北美以至世界级的热气球锦标赛。  成百上千五颜六色的热气球在空中飘浮,这项比赛可以称得上是世界上最漂亮、最浪漫的体育比赛吧。    For one week