有一个医院的手术室在进行一次乙醚全麻手术时,突然发生了爆炸火灾。手术医师、麻醉师、护士和患者均被烧伤了。事故是怎样引起的呢? 经有关部门调查研究认定是由静电造成的,据了解这类事故在国内已有发生,在国外却有不少先例,因此应引起重视。物质的相互摩擦能产生静电,这是人们都知道的常识。易燃液体在输送管道内流动也能产生静电。医生穿着纯涤纶的衣服,脚踏橡胶底鞋,在绝缘的地面上快走也能产生静电。静电荷的大小是取决于环境相
There was a sudden explosion fire in a hospital operating room during an ether anesthesia. Surgeons, anesthetists, nurses and patients were burned. Accident is caused by the investigation by the relevant departments found to be caused by static electricity, it is understood that such accidents have occurred in the country, there are many precedents in foreign countries, it should be taken seriously. The mutual friction of matter can generate static electricity, which is common sense that people all know. Flammable liquids can also generate static electricity when they flow in the pipe. Doctors wearing pure polyester clothes, rubber sole shoes, walking on the insulated ground can also generate static electricity. The size of the electrostatic charge is dependent on the environmental phase