疫苗在预防传染病的发生和控制疾病流行中起了重要的作用。但是 ,由于疫苗生产所用原材料的固有特性、生产过程及检定方法的特点、疫苗接种过程复杂及其他偶合原因 ,疫苗接种后会发生一定比率的不良事件。这些事件中有些较为严重 ,波及面较广 ,影响较大。如不及时采取有效措施
Vaccines play an important role in the prevention of infectious diseases and in the control of the epidemic. However, certain rates of adverse events occur after vaccination due to the inherent characteristics of the raw materials used in vaccine production, the characteristics of the manufacturing process and assay, the complex vaccination process and other causes of conjugation. Some of these incidents are more serious and have a wider impact and greater impact. If not promptly take effective measures