通过“模铸+初轧”工艺轧制低合金钢锭时,钢板易在表面距边部100 mm左右易出现直线型裂纹,裂纹或深或浅,有规律,导致报废量大大增加,影响了正常生产。该类缺陷曾被认为是轧制缺陷,从宏观形貌及微观组织等多方面研究缺陷形成机制,判定源于钢锭表面内在和外在微裂纹缺陷,初轧轧制时轧件在受到拉应力最大的地方产生开裂,从而为产品质量改进提供了理论依据,通过采取有效的技术措施,大大减少了该类缺陷发生的几率。
When the low alloy steel ingot is rolled by the process of “diecasting + initial rolling”, the steel plate tends to appear straight crack at the distance of about 100 mm from the edge, the crack is deep or shallow, regular, resulting in the greatly increased scrap, The normal production. Such defects have been considered as rolling defects, from the macroscopic morphology and microstructure and other aspects of the formation mechanism of defects to determine the internal and external microcracks from the ingot surface defects, rolling during rolling when subjected to tensile stress Cracking occurs in the largest area, which provides a theoretical basis for product quality improvement. By adopting effective technical measures, the probability of occurrence of such defects is greatly reduced.