最近,美国JRME (Jownal for Research in Mathematics Education)专家小组成员和NCTM顾问研究委员会成员列举了一些被认为值得更多讨论的数学问题,其首要问题是“什么是证据?” 为了引起对此问题作出反映和讨论,JRME专家小组邀请了两位研究者,DouglasCarRLne和FrankK.Lester论述了这个问题,下面将谈到他们和其合作者作出的回答。这个问题是棘手的。如果有
Recently, members of the Jonal for Research in Mathematics Education (JME) team and members of the NCTM Consultancy Research Committee have listed some mathematical issues that are considered worthy of more discussion. The first question is “What is evidence?” in order to cause this issue to be made. Reflecting and discussing, the JRME expert team invited two researchers, Douglas CarRLne and Frank K. Lester, to discuss this issue. The answers they and their collaborators have made are discussed below. This problem is tricky. If there is