急性胰腺炎(AP)是临床常见的急腹症之一,其病因及发病机制至今尚未完全明确,近年来研究提示细胞因子及炎症递质在AP病程演变过程中起着一定的作用,而氧自由基在AP发病中的作用尤为重要,甚至认为起着始动作用。我们应用“十二指肠闭袢法”制备AP大鼠模型,在光、电镜水平研究其病理变化的特征,并检测各时期血浆过氧化脂质的含量,探讨与AP大鼠病理学特征之间的关系。 1 材料和方法 1.1 材料健康(?) Wistar大白鼠体质量210g~290g,随机分为四组,AP 6h,16h,24h及对照组,每组均为11只。AP模型的制备:用“十二指肠闭袢法”,实验动物术前禁食12h,戊巴比妥钠腹腔注射麻醉,进腹后经胃窦切口将一段4cm粗塑料管
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is one of the common clinical acute abdomen, its etiology and pathogenesis has not yet fully clear, in recent years, studies suggest that cytokines and inflammatory neurotransmitters play an important role in the evolution of AP disease, and oxygen The role of free radicals in the pathogenesis of AP is particularly important, even thought it played a starting role. We use the “duodenal closure method” to prepare AP rat model, in light and electron microscopy to study the pathological changes of the characteristics and the detection of plasma lipid peroxidation in different periods, to explore and AP pathological features Relationship between. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Material health (?) Wistar rats body weight 210g ~ 290g, were randomly divided into four groups, AP 6h, 16h, 24h and control group, each group of 11. AP model preparation: “duodenal closure method”, experimental animals preoperative fasting 12h, pentobarbital sodium anesthesia intraperitoneal injection into the abdomen through the antrum incision will be a 4cm thick plastic tube