每天都有很多新的事情发生。首先来看看这部连续剧,“the west wing”(白宫群英), 美国ABC电视台连续播了第5、6季之后,因为收视率开始下调,他们就准备把它取消, 然后就发生一个现象,他们宣布的时候,全国(美国)很多很多喜爱这部电视剧的人, 通过博客,电邮,通过网站要求继续播下去,他们甚至愿意付费来看这个电视剧(原先是免费的)。这个现象在过去的美国也没有先例,这说明如果内容是好的话,其实不少人
Many new things happen every day. First of all, take a look at the series, “The West Wing”. After the fifth consecutive broadcast of ABC TV in the United States, because the ratings started to drop, they are ready to cancel it. Then a phenomenon occurs. At the time of their announcement, many people throughout the country (USA) who loved the TV show continued to broadcast through blogs, e-mails, and requests through the website. They were even willing to pay for the drama (which was originally free). This phenomenon has no precedent in the United States in the past. This shows that if the content is good, many people actually