皮层下动脉硬化性脑病(Subcortical Arteriosclerotic Encephalopath;SAE或Binswanger’s Disease)。是一种罕见的老年性动脉硬化性疾病。本病首先是由Binswanger(1894)描述了8例慢性进行性痴呆,在皮层下白质有动脉硬化改变的病人。后来Olszewski(1962)回顾性的研究了41例SAE病人,其病理特点为皮层下灰质和白质中的深穿枝血管硬化,导致小的梗塞和白质弥漫性髓鞘脱失。而皮层下弓状纤维相对保留。本病无特异性的临床表现,故在临床上不易得出诊断,往往需要病理证实。自CT问世之后,对本病
Subcortical Arteriosclerotic Encephalopath (SAE or Binswanger’s Disease). Is a rare senile arteriosclerosis disease. The disease was first described by Binswanger (1894) in 8 patients with chronic progressive dementia and arteriosclerosis in the subcortical white matter. Later, Olszewski (1962) retrospectively studied 41 patients with SAE, the pathological features of which are deep penetrating sclerosis in the gray matter and white matter of the subcortex, resulting in small infarcts and disseminated demyelination of white matter. The subcortical arcuate fibers relative retention. No specific clinical manifestations of the disease, it is not easy to come to a clinical diagnosis, often require pathological confirmed. Since the advent of CT, the disease