The Britain that You don’t Know

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  As products of social interactions between people, place names always represent parts of history and culture of the geographical entities for they are created by using specific national languages. Therefore, we should look beyond the names themselves and dig for the information behind them.
  The first kind of place names is with the vocabulary components of the Celts. From about 500 BC, the Celts invaded European continent and then occupied Britain. They spoke Celtic language, which was the only early language can be found in British with the historical records. Today, only a number of place names and river names still reserve parts of Celtic vocabulary components. For instance, “the Thames”, “the Avon”, “the Derwent” are all rivers named by Celts. In “Duncombe”, “Winchcombe” and “Cumberland” such place names, the Celtic “cumb” (=deep valley) is contained. And “Torcross”, “Torquay” also include the Celtic vocabulary “torr” (=high rock or peak). The names of famous British cities “Dover”, “York” originate from Celtic as well. Thanks to the reservations of these names, people can retrace and study the Sealy culture of Britain.
  The second kind of place names relates to the invasion of Romans. From 43 AD, the Roman emperor Claudius led his troops to conquer England gradually. And then Britain had been occupied by the Romans for 400 years, during which the culture and customs of Roman were taken into Britain. Naturally, the place names were influenced by Latin. For example, many British towns’ names end with a word having the similar meaning with “castle”, such as “Doncaster”, “Winchester”, “Gloucester”, “Leicester” and so on. These towns were built on the basis of old castles or ruins of cables. The word “castrum” in Latin is as “castle” in English. The town names ending with “-minster” offer us another trace of the fact that Latin were greatly affected by Anglo-Saxons. “-minster” means “monastery”. A good case in point is “Westerminster”, which refers to “the Western monastery”.
  The origin of the third kind of place names is in connection with Danish invasions. In 9th century, raiders from Scandinavia, especially Danes, threatened Britain’s shores. Before that, Angles, Saxons and Jutes had invaded Britain and their various dialects came together as a new kind of language — Anglo-Saxon, that is Old English. However, Danish invasion lasting around 300 years influenced old English greatly. We can easily recognize it just from a few particular place names. When we see a town name ending with “-by”, we can assert that the place has ever been occupied by Danes for “-by” means “farm, town, village” in Danish. Besides, there are many place names containing Norse word “thorp”(village), such as “Althorp” and “Bishopsthorpe”. From a mass of place names with Norse components in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, we can clearly identify that Danish invasions on those regions were fairly thorough. They changed more British place names by their native language than Romans and French did when they conquered Britain.   The fourth kind of place names is in relation to the conquest of Normans, who were from northern French. In 1066, they crossed the English Channel and defeated English army under William of Normandy. This marked the last time that an army from outside the British Isles succeeds in invading. It not only accelerated the process of the feudalization of British society, but also pushed Old English to Middle English. However, it’s really difficult for invaders to imitate the pronunciations of some place names because of their difficulties in pronunciation and disdains for learning the language of conquered savage people. Just take an example, there was an important town called Dunbolm, but Normans exhausted their abilities to call it “Durham”. In the meantime, the place names created by Normans in French are also difficult for the conquered Saxons in pronunciation. Therefore, “Beaulieu” became “Benley”, and “Rievaulx” became something sounded like “Rivers”. Some of Norman feudal lords even added their names or titles to town names. Now there is a place called “Abbot’s Langly”, and another place called “King’s Langly”. Among various British place names, there are many places like this, such as “Bishop’s stort-ford”, “Ashby-de-la-zouch” and “Buchland Mona-chorum”.
  To conclude, the origin and change of the place names are closely related with the development of the British society and history. If we do further research on the behind meanings of the place names, we will know more about British culture and society.
【摘 要】对学生的德育教育直接关乎学生一生的成长与发展,而最好的德育教育应该是教师所拥有的崇高人格魅力对学生潜移默化的影响。教师只有不断的提升自己的职业修养,才能通过自身良好行为的表率作用,对学生起着润物细无声的熏陶。  【关键词】德育教育 教师人格魅力 学生 道德修养  教师是人类灵魂的工程师,担负着教书育人、培养合格人才、提高民族素质、传播人类文明的重任,教师的知识水平、业务能力、思想道德、心
【摘 要】高楼万丈拔地起,“基石之坚才能建之加固”,小学教育作为孩子的启蒙教育,是教育的基础。小学教育阶段,是学生大脑中知识框架体系从无到有的构建阶段,小学教育的成果直接影响到孩子后续的学习和正确人生观价值观的形成,所以小学的教育工作显得尤为重要。要想最大程度的搞好小学的教育工作,就必须从教学与对学生、教师的管理这两方面来探索。  【关键词】小学教育 小学管理 人本化  本人作为一名小学校长,在甘
【摘 要】书面表达能力是对学生英语综合运用能力的全面考查,书面表达能力好与差,与英语单词的积累的多少是紧密联系在一起的。  【关键词】积累 单词 书面表达  新课程标准要求,高中生在毕业时要学会使用3000个左右的单词和400~500个习惯用语或固定搭配。但是,在高三的教学中,尽管教师花大量的时间复习词汇,但学生常常记了前面,忘了后面,效率低下,而且一到写作上,出现的还是那些最常见的简单词汇,鲜少
【摘 要】近几年,为提高教职工学习兴趣,学校党委组织开展全校性读书活动,今年党委推荐了《你的习惯错在哪里》这本书,本文论述了在这次读书活动中,基础教学科党支部的想法和做法,希望和同行们探讨  【关键词】支部 读书活动 小组学习目  根据学校党委安排基础科党支部积极开展读书活动,本次读书活动,我支部相比以往的读书活动有了明显的进步。现将《你的习惯错在哪里》读书活动如下。  一、支部委员首先解读《你的
【摘 要】陶行知是我国伟大的教育家,他提出了“教学合一”、“学做真人”等先进的教育理念。他的教育理念对高校教育改革、加强学生思想政治教育及素质教育不仅有着现实的指导意义,还有着重要而深远的影响。  【关键词】“三真”德育体系 学陶 研陶 践陶 真人  一、“三真”德育体系的班级模式探究背景  (一)“三真”德育体系的班级模式的提出  重庆人文科技学院始创于2000年5月,原命名为“行知育才学院”,
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天命之年的我为西部边远山区的教育播撒了大半生的心血, 在这里有我的酸楚,有我的快乐;有我的奉献,也有我的收获;有我的彷徨,也有我的果断。10年前的基础教育,教师还只是“传道、授业、解惑”之人,教室里还没有多面黑板,学生还不是课堂的主人,学习还是被动,作业还是负担,上学还缺乏乐趣,课堂还是枯燥,学校文化还只是空荡的白墙上高挂着几个教育家的肖像和标语,教育还被应试异化……  基础教育课程改革走过了10
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