目前一般医院处理放射性沾染器具均采用手工清洗,易致工作人员的放射性沾染,影响健康。我们在无锡市电讯仪表工业局和无锡无线电专用设备厂的大力支持下,采用超声清洗作放射性沾染器具的去沾染,取得良好的结果,现介绍如下:方法1.超声清洗机:由无锡无线电专用设备厂生产 CFS—250—5超声清洗机经改装增加下出水口。2.清洗剂:热洗衣粉溶液:2000毫升热水(约80°五磅热水瓶一瓶),加入100克合成洗衣粉(约三平汤匙)。
At present, general hospital handling of radioactive contamination equipment are hand-washing, easy to cause staff to radioactive contamination, affecting health. We in Wuxi City, the Telecommunications Instrument Industrial Bureau and the Wuxi Radio Equipment Factory with the strong support of the use of ultrasonic cleaning for radioactive contamination of contaminated equipment to obtain good results, are presented below: Method 1. Ultrasonic cleaning machine: by Wuxi Radio Equipment Factory production CFS-250-5 Ultrasonic Cleaner increased by the modified outlet. 2. Cleaner: hot detergent solution: 2000 ml of hot water (about 80 ° five-pound thermos bottle), add 100 grams of synthetic detergent (about three flat spoon).