石家庄市第四医院始建于1956年,现有床位305张,在职职工378人,是一所以妇产科为主的“大专科、小综合”特色医院。在建院四十多年的历程中,医院在发展的同时也负担着沉重的历史积淀,岗位设置无依据,人员结构不合理,技术人员聘任流于形式,考核如走过场,聘后管理不善,以及进人无序、机构雍肿、效益低下等一般事业单位的通病都不同程度的存在。由于外无压力、内无动力,医院人浮于事,状若死水,毫无生机和活力,成为政府财政的负担和社会通认的避风港。 一、人事管理制度改革的艰难探索 为了使医院焕发生机、步入自我完善、自我发展的良性循环,该院自1990年起从推行干部聘任制、工人合同制入手,先后进行了三次改革尝试。但在当时的大
The Fourth Hospital of Shijiazhuang City was founded in 1956. It has 305 beds and 378 serving employees. It is a specialized hospital with specialties such as Obstetrics and Gynecology. During the 40-year history of the establishment of the hospital, the hospital was also burdened with a heavy historical accumulation while it was developing. There was no basis for the post setting, the staff structure was irrational, the appointment of technicians was in the form of a test, and assessments such as going through the field and post-employment management were poor. In addition, common diseases such as disorderly access, institutional bloatedness, and low efficiency have all existed to varying degrees. Because there is no pressure outside and there is no power inside, the hospital people are overwhelmed by things. If there is stagnant water, there is no vitality and vitality, and it becomes a burden for government finance and a safe haven for society. I. Difficult exploration of the reform of the personnel management system In order to rejuvenate the hospital and enter into a virtuous cycle of self-improvement and self-development, the hospital has been carrying out three reform attempts since 1990, beginning with the implementation of the cadre appointment system and the workers’ contract system. But at the time it was big