我县重视中小学校长培训工作,在省干训中心和地区干训办公室的指导下,认真抓好培训的各个环节,努力做到“四到位、“四结合”,培训工作搞得扎实深入。 四到位是: 1、思想到位。思想到位是搞好培训的基础。这里,我们注意抓了三个层次人员的思想到位。第一个层次是领导小组成员思想到位。领导小组成员不仅从实行校长持证上岗制度的必要性上,而且从培训校长的可行性上认识本次培训的意义。第二个层次是参培学员的思想到位。参培学员是本县各中小学
My county attaches great importance to the training of primary and secondary school principals, and under the guidance of the Provincial Training Center and the Regional Training Office, we conscientiously do a good job in all aspects of training, and strive to achieve “four-in-one, four-in-one” training. The four places are: 1. Thought is in place and thinking is in place is the basis for doing a good job of training.Here we have paid attention to the thinking of three levels of personnel in place.The first level is the leadership team members thinking in place.Leading group members not only from the implementation of the principal The significance of this training is understood from the necessity of the system of holding certificates and the feasibility of training the principal.The second level is the thinking of participating trainees.The participating trainees are all primary and secondary schools in this county.