猪苦胆1只,食醋150 ̄200毫升。用法:将新鲜猪胆汁洒在洗净擦干的头发上,用梳子梳匀,使胆汁与头皮充分接触。10分钟后,用食醋兑温水冲洗头部,然后再用清水冲洗,直至无异味。每3 ̄5天按该法洗头1次,一般5 ̄6次即可明显减少头屑。此法不仅能祛屑止痒,而且能增加头发的秀美光泽。不
Pig bitter gall, vinegar 150 ~ 200 ml. Usage: sprinkle fresh pig bile dry hair on the clean, comb comb evenly, so that full contact with the bile and scalp. After 10 minutes, rinse the head with vinegar against warm water, and then rinse with water until no smell. Every 3 to 5 days by the Act shampoo 1, 5 to 6 times generally can significantly reduce dandruff. This method can not only remove the anti-itch, but also increase the beautiful shiny hair. Do not