联系实际 让生活走进小学语文教学

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随着社会的进步,小学教育越来越受到重视,源自母语的小学语文更是重中之重。小学语文教学中,教材内容源于生活,阅读理解来自生活,写作训练联系生活,通过将生活与语文教学相结合,让生活中闪烁语文的光辉,让语文充满生活的气息。联系实际,能有效提升学生的思维想象能力,真正感受到作者的真情实感,对学生语文能力的提高具有重要的现实意义。小学语文是学生从幼儿园娱乐教育到小学知识教育过渡的重要学科,是学生 With the progress of society, primary education is getting more and more attention. The primary school language from mother tongue is even more important. In primary school Chinese teaching, the content of teaching materials comes from life, reading comprehension comes from life, and writing training touches life. By combining life and Chinese teaching, the language in Chinese is glittering in life and the language is full of life. Contact with the actual, can effectively enhance students’ ability of thinking and imagination, really feel the author’s true feelings, the improvement of language ability of students has important practical significance. Primary school Chinese is an important subject that students transition from kindergarten entertaining education to primary school knowledge education and is a student