Brief Discussion of Artistic Development and Innovation of Ceramics Fresco

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Along with incessant social development and heightened sense of science,technology,humanities,health,an d environmental friendliness,the pluralistic art ideology and expression form associated with ceramics fresco make fresco works warmly received.To satisfy people’s constant need for ambient decoration quality,a new innovation and development mechanism has to be created by breaking through the restriction of tradition and naturally the development of ceramics fresco is a must.Against a background of ceramics,this paper describes the development history of ceramics fresco art,summarizes the social backdrop and works characteristics of each development period,and points out different development processes in terms of spatial ambience where material and craft technology choice and innovation are concerned.Ceramics fresco is a qualified ambassador for the traditional culture of the Chinese,because traditional Chinese ceramics art has a brilliant history and a profound root.The peculiar textural beauty of ceramics fresco,particularly the rich and colorful texture,ample details,and diversified ornament techniques offered by modern ceramics fresco are the reason why it is so warmly received.While discussing briefly the artistic development and innovation of ceramics fresco,this paper also summarizes new development potentials in environment and technology. Along with incessant social development and heightened sense of science, technology, humanities, health, an d environmental friendliness, the pluralistic art ideology and expression form associated with ceramics fresco make fresco works warmly received. Ten satisfy people’s constant need for ambient decoration quality, a new innovation and development mechanism has to be created by breaking through the restriction of tradition and naturally the development of ceramics fresco is a must. Against a background of ceramics, this paper describes the development history of ceramics fresco art, summarizes the social backdrop and works characteristics of each development period, and points out different development processes in terms of spatial ambience where material and craft technology choice and innovation are concerned. Ceramics fresco is a qualified ambassador for the traditional culture of the Chinese, because traditional Chinese ceramics art has a brilliant history and a profound root. The peculiar te xtural beauty of ceramics fresco, particularly the rich and colorful texture, ample details, and diversified ornament techniques offered by modern ceramics fresco are the reason why it is so warmly received. Whh discuss discussing briefly the artistic development and innovation of ceramics fresco, this paper also summarizes new development potentials in environment and technology.
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