川畸综合征是一种原因不明,至今尚未充分认识的热性发疹性疾病。本病的主要特点是:持续5天以上的疹性发热,皮肤粘膜弥漫性潮红、两眼球结膜充血,颈部淋巴结一过性肿大,手、脚硬性浮肿及膜样脱皮。本文18例就其诊断与治疗报道如下。 临床资料 本组男15例,女3例,年龄7个月~3岁,四季均可发病,以春季为多。18例均有发热、热退时间6~28天,常伴有咳嗽、流涕、腹泻、呕吐。本组均有皮疹、呈麻疹样斑丘疹、猩红热样。荨麻疹样,以躯干、颜面
Chuanxizhe syndrome is an unexplained, has not yet fully recognized the hot rash disease. The main features of the disease are: rash fever lasting more than 5 days, diffuse flushing of skin and mucous membranes, conjunctival hyperechiasis in both eyes, transient swelling of cervical lymph nodes, edema of hands and feet, and peeling of membrane samples. 18 cases of this report on its diagnosis and treatment are as follows. Clinical data The group of 15 males and 3 females, aged 7 months to 3 years old, all seasons can be onset, in spring as much. 18 cases were fever, fever back time 6 to 28 days, often accompanied by cough, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting. This group have a rash, measles-like rash, scarlet fever-like. Urticaria to the trunk, face