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  The George R. Brown Convention Center opened on the east side of downtown Houston on September 26, 1987. The building was named for internationally recognized entrepreneur, engineer, civic leader, philanthropist and Houstonian George Rufus Brown. The first convention held was the American Society of Travel Agents beginning in October of that year.
  In 2001, ground was broken to expand the convention center and build an adjacent 1,200-room convention headquarters hotel. Today the GRB expands
  1.9 million square feet with 88 meeting rooms, 6 balconies, a ballroom, theater, show offices & conference rooms plus 90,000 square ft of Level 2 Mezzanine space, a 95,000 square ft grand concourse, the 97,000 square ft Avenida Plaza, and The Wharf, an intimate outdoor special event space.
  Hotels and airports
  Currently connected to the GRB is the 1,200 room Hilton AmericasHouston, and opened in 2016 is the Marriott Marquis that boasts 1,000 guest rooms,and is connect to the GRB via skybridge.
  The GRB is approximately 10 miles from William P. Hobby(HOU) Airport and approximately twenty miles from George Bush Intercontinental (IAH) Airport.
  Green Meetings
  The George R. Brown Convention Center is committed to being green, and has long recognized the importance of sustainability efforts. It began seeking opportunities to reduce its carbon footprint in 1998 and hasn’t stopped since.The Center first earned LEED Silver certification status in 2011, and has since renewed through 2021. It divert more than 42% of its waste from landfills, and is dedicated to high sustainability standards.
2017年,新达新加坡会议与博览中心创下良好销售业绩,在亚太区域市场表现抢眼,并获得区域内的12项大奖。 2018年,博览中心将承办88项重大活动和其他各类丰富活动,包括消费类展会、生活类展会、技术类活动和娱乐活动等,预示着该年度将再次是业绩丰盛的一年。其中,作为亚太区首选的医疗类活动场馆,2018年,博览中心将继续承办以及新承办一些重要的医疗类活动。  Suntec Singapore will
UFI亚太区分会会议:亚太区机遇可观  3月1日上午,在本次亚太区会议开始之前,召开了UFI亚太区分会会议。会议不仅吸引了亚太区会员企业,也吸引了对亚太市场发展深感兴趣的全球会展企业。会议由UFI亚太区主席仲刚和UFI亚太区分部经理马国麟共同主持。  截至2018年1月,UFI 在亚太区共有284个会员,UFI认证展会252个。亚太区成为UFI会员举足轻重的区域之一。而中国是亚洲最重要的会展市场之
As a turn-key exhibition service supplier, Hangzhou JR Exhibition Company ( “JR Exhibition” hereafter) was founded 12 years ago and has been adhering to the business philosophy of "promoting customer
2015 SCO BRICS Office Group Autonomous Non-commercial Organization was established in 2013 in Ufa. The main objective of the organization at that time was the preparation of infrastructure, transport
我们处在一个瞬息万变的时代。正如达尔文在《物种起源》中所阐述的:适者生存,自然选择。会展企业莫不如此,不仅要认清形势和行业发展趋势,也要时刻有危机意识,积极适应外部环境。只有拥抱变化,方能拥抱未来。近年来,全球展览行业内,展会目的地热点转移、行业资源整合、业内合作加强等趋势越发明显,会展企业需顺应时势,方能抓住商机,在竞争中立于不败之地。  势趋1——转移  进入21世纪以来,在各级政府强力支持和
On February 15, the 29th China International Conference and Exhibition Magazine Brand Club Salon —— Overseas Exhibitions Seminar was successfully held in Beijing. The event was sponsored by Beijing Ne
记者:请您介绍一下会议中心的基础设施。  Alan Pryor:作为马来西亚屡获殊荣的专业会展场馆,吉隆坡会议中心共有22659平米的可灵活布局的空间,包括可容纳3000人的大礼堂、可容纳2000位用餐者的大宴会厅,以及总面积达12310平米的5个展厅和23个会议室等。  会议中心毗邻马来西亚的地标性建筑双子塔。前来参会的嘉宾可以享受周边丰富多元的娱乐、餐饮与娱乐服务。另外,在会议中心步行数分钟的
Versatile venue  The Hofburg Vienna’s fantastic mix of events each year highlights its versatility as a venue, which has earned it a place among the leaders on the Austrian and international market. A
——44%的展览公司在2017年的运营收入增加,超过70%的公司预计2018年收入将增长  ——展览公司最关心的因素是所在国家的经济情况  ——大部分展览公司预计未来5年新的商业模式创造的收入将占到总收入的10%  ——38%的公司计划将业务扩展到至少1个新的国家  2018年1月,《UFI全球展览市场晴雨表第20次调查报告》发布。报告显示,在2017年全球展览行业业绩增长强劲,且2018年预期乐
多功能场地  维也纳霍夫堡会议中心每年都举办各种活动。这个场地的突出的多功能性,使其成为奥地利和国际会奖市场的优选场地之一。 会议中心大约57%的收入来自国际大会、企业会议和欧安组织会议。 第二大细分活动来源为国内和国际宴会,占活动总数的11%。这两个细分市场创造了会议中心最大的利润率。  舞会占会议中心营业利润来源的12%。新年前夜的舞会 - 自会议中心成立以来在会场举办的特别活动,创造了年总收