Land-offshore contrast of lightning activity and its relation to precipitation and CAPE in South Chi
We investigate the land-offshore contrast in lightning activity and its relation to precipitation and convective availab......
On the Effect of the Lightning Strike to Tall Towers on Transient Electric Field at Mesospheric Alti
In this paper,we have studied the effect of the lightning strike to tall towers ranging from 50 m to 300 m height on tra......
This paper is devoted to the study of the most suitable protocols needed to verify the lightning protection and ground r......
The propagation of the lightning-radiated electromagnetic field along the real irregular terrain around Yangzhou Directi......
Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Lightning Activity in the Pan-Pearl River Delta
Based on the lightning data acquired by a lightning imaging sensor(LIS)carried on the TRMM satellite from 1998 to 2013,t......
5月20日,一组纯电版2022款福特F-150 Lightning的官图被外媒曝光。“Lighting”作为福特皮卡家族高性能的专属名称,在几十年间也仅......
盖世汽车讯据外媒报道,福特推出了另一款纯电动F-150 Lightning皮卡,新款车型专为商业客户打造,名为F-150 Lightning Pro。在电池......
该怎样来描述Buell公司于2004年推出的这款新车——XB12S Lightning呢?锋芒毕露,第一眼给人传递的就是那种欲将风剌穿的速度感。富......
巨大的喷气(GJ ) 是 large-scaled 的一种类型发生在雷雨上面的短暂分泌物。它直接连接雷雨和电离层。与另外的短暂发光事件(TLE )......
Assimilation of Total Lightning Data Using the Three-Dimensional Variational Method at Convection-Al
A large number of observational analyses have shown that lightning data can be used to indicate areas of deep convection......
Study of charge structure and radiation characteristic of intracloud discharge in thunderstorms of Q
The comprehensive observations on lightning discharges were conducted in Naqu area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in summer of......
DCS (distributed control system) plays a decisive role in the overall operation of a nuclear power plant. If DCS fails,i......
Comparative Analysis of Meteorological Environmental Factors in Three Major Chemical Industrial Park
Based on the meteorological observation data of three meteorological stations in three major chemical industrial parks o......
赛灵思公司(Xilinx inc.)宣布将在明年内在其FPGA产品中提供高宽带互连技术,它将突破10Gbps带宽的界限。此项计划将在下一代Virte......
LONG dominated by South Korea it hasbeen a Chinese dream to take the TaeKwon Do crown out from under thekimchi-eater’s......
It begins when a feeling Of stilInesscreeps into my consciOusness.EVerything hassuddenly gone quiet. Birds do not chirp.......
1 Introduction The sources of EMI are both natural and human-made. Natural sources include sun and stars, as well as ph......
Since the CPU of embed system has some limitation in operating speed, a new filter was put forward which implemented mou......
Ground fire is an igniting phenomenon that is difficult to control and lightning is the main cause of ground fire. The ......
Lightning fire is one of natural fires; its mechanism is very complex and difficult to control. Daxing’an Mountain is ......
Long Gap Discharge Guiding Experiments Using Strongly and Weakly Ionized Plasma Channels for Laser T
A study to generate longer plasma channel was conucted to improve probability oftriggered lightning.To generate the lon......
Observation and study on the whole process of cloud-to-ground lightning using narrowband radio inter
A narrowband radio interferometer has been developed and used to locate the entire sources of VHF radiations from a nega......
Diecast Pub论坛绰号:“冲压式喷气发动机”戴维·朗制作的漂亮汽车模型不仅获得了奖项,而且也得到了众多人的首肯,人们看到这样一......
In view of the problem of false alarm in imaging space-based laser warning system, the effects of sunlight and lightning......
In the evening of October 17,2012,the vessel Hangjun 12 of Changhang Wuhan Engineering Bureau was struck by lightning wh......
为了让大家可以更深入的了解Lightning耳机,近期我们从市面上找来了5款主流品牌Lightning耳机,分别为:JBL Reflect Aware(1499元);......
How can birds sit on a power line without getting electrocuted? A bird has a real advantage over man: it can fly. When ......
Study on the Causes of Rural Lightning Disaster and Countermeasures of Lightning Protection and Disa
With the development of the time and the progress of economy,great changes have taken place in the environment.In recent......