Phylogenetic Diversity of the Bacillu spumilus Group and the Marine Ecotype Revealed by Multilocus S
Bacteria closely related to Bacilluspumilus cannot be distinguished from such other species as B.safensis,B.stratospheri......
Multilocus Sequence Analysis for the Assessment of Phylogenetic Diversity and Biogeography in Hyphom
Hyphomonas, a genus of budding, prosthecate bacteria, are primarily found in the marine environment.Seven type strains, ......
黑木相思(Acacia melanoxylon R.Br.)是原产于澳大利亚东南部的高大乔木,属于含羞草亚科(Mimosaceae)金合欢属(Acacia)。20世纪90......
Establishment of Multiple Locus Variable-number Tandem Repeat Analysis Assay for Genotyping of Borre
Objective Human Lyme Borreliosis(LB), which is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato(B. burgdorferi), has been ident......
Traditionally Nocardia asteroids was considered the predominant species of causing no-cardiosis. The improved identifica......
通过对16S rRNA,hsp60,rpoB,atpD,tuf基因部分序列的分子系统发育学分析,综述多位点序列分析技术(MLSA)用于双歧杆菌快速鉴定的研究......
摘要 通过对从湘西武陵山区感病萝卜分离的一株软腐病菌进行致病力测定,结合萝卜软腐病菌的培养特性、菌体形态观察、生理生化测定......
目的为建立适宜的分子分型方法,以弥补16S rDNA在肠杆菌种属聚类分析上的不足,为后续类似菌株鉴定提供参考。方法以肠杆菌属内各个......